December 24th, 2012

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo

Hey, guys!

Christmas is upon us, and by now you all know what that means.

That's right! It's time for a Christmas Invasion! For the next two or weeks, give or take, depending on the response, the city is going to be dealing with a major external attack. For those curious about what will be attacking, there will be multiple Doctor Who villains suddenly in the city. We're going to have Daleks, Weeping Angels, Cybermen and Silents, all in Colligo. Information about all the bad guys will be under the cut.

More info on the various baddies )

Feel free to come to the mods with any ideas you might have as to how to deal with any of these creatures, and also know that you're more than welcome to throw your characters at these villains. As always, you can kill off your characters. Just know that they will remain dead until the plot ends. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us.

Now, on a lighter note, characters will be receiving gifts from home as stated before. A list can be found below. If you forgot to reply to the original post, contact us, and we can add something for your character.

List of gifts )

Merry Christmas, everyone! We hope everyone has a great holiday and enjoys both the gifts and the new plot.

♥ - The Mods