December 9th, 2012

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo

Hey, guys!

The holidays are upon us, and that means it’s time for the usual holiday fare in Colligo. Starting at midnight ( know...a couple minutes from now), there will be snow in the city, and the lake will be frozen over. Don’t worry, everyone. The giant squid is taking a vacation with the bite-y worms or the flying cats or something outside the city. Decorations and all the things you’ve come to expect from Christmas (and Christmas in July) will be around the city, and it’s generally very festive. As always, there will be trees in all the apartments and other residences, courtesy of Parker (with help from Gabriel). Each tree will be decorated in a way to reflect the personality, interests and beliefs of the individuals. And, as usual, the trees of the city’s more morally grey characters will have expensive decorations to bribe Santa. Look, don’t question Parker’s logic. She’s Parker. You should be used to this by now.

There will be life-sized gingerbread houses in the park, courtesy of Gabriel (with help from Parker). Also, each apartment and residence, will be finding a gingerbread house outside their door in the morning. There won't be a note or any indication of who it's from, or anything like that. Just a gingerbread house. Again, these are a gift from Gabriel. They are absolutely harmless, and will not negatively affect your character at all, but feel free to have your character be paranoid and freak out. After all, this is Colligo, and nobody would be surprised if eating it turned you into a gingerbread person.

The city has all the usual decorations, including everyone’s favourite mistletoe. Remember that if your character ends up under the mistletoe, they will be overwhelmed with the desire to kiss the nearest person, and the compulsion will not go away until they’ve done so. We look forward to some wonderful and awkward times to come. Also, there is Christmas music playing around town, and Carollers going around singing. If your character is somewhere and Christmas music starts playing or being sung by locals, they will have an overwhelming sense of cheer and Christmas spirit and goodwill toward their fellow man until they get away from the music, at which point they’ll probably be annoyed at manipulative Christmas music, but what can you do? It’s Colligo. There will, of course, be decorations for other holidays as well, including the usual menorah in the park for our Jewish Colligoans.

In addition, Colligo is going to have some old friends back. Jack Frost is going to be around, as will Frosty and the reindeer and elves. Remember to be nice to Rudolph. He has it pretty hard sometimes with that nose of his. And be careful around the Abominable Snowman, because he sometimes has a temper. Feel free to use your imagination when it comes to who your characters might run into in regards to classic Christmas characters. Along with Frosty, some snowmen (or women) may come to life, and Rudolph and other reindeer might talk if you take the time to listen. If your character runs into some broken down or messed up toys, they should have a conversation before throwing them out. They really just need someone to love them. Meanwhile, Jack Frost will be running around causing winter weather with Snip and Holly, and Santa himself will be getting gifts ready for everyone, with his penguin friend Topper...while a green guy in a Santa suit periodically steals decorations. And if you don't recognize at least some of these references, you have no heart (or possibly no television, or no desire to watch animated or claymation Christmas specials) and you make me sad.

Also, characters will be getting gifts from Asaph, like usual, come Christmas time. Below there’s a form you can fill out for suggestions of what your characters could get. Please keep it realistic and give us a few options to work with. The presents can be something from home or just something they really want. For obvious reasons, please do not request people as gifts.

So, happy holidays everyone! Enjoy the plot and we look forward to Christmas, and the inevitable chaos and destruction it will bring with it. If you have suggestions for other ways the city can show holiday spirit, please make suggestions in our mod contact post and we may introduce those as well. Likewise, if you have any questions or concerns, leave them there.

♥ - The Mods