September 10th, 2012

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo

Hey everyone.

We don’t like to have to pull out the mod hammer, but we’re disheartened by the response we’ve had to this plot. Or rather, the lack of response. Very few players have actually posted with their characters in a plot we feel is necessary to the survival of this game. We have seen a lack of characters branching out, or outright not playing, and this plot is something we wanted to use to address that. However, most players have not taken advantage of the opportunity we have presented. To be honest, we see a major problem here with players not playing their characters. We really don’t like to be the bad guys, but when we see a major problem within the game we need to address it.

All players need to play in this plot. You all need to do your best to branch your characters out and have them be active. Those who do not engage in the plot, without a reason for not being around, will be removed. This is harsh, but at this point we feel that this is necessary for the health and well-being of the game. Should this continue to be a problem, we may have to look at larger-scale solutions to the issue.

The Mods