September 5th, 2012

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo

Hey guys!

Time for another plot. We've done this one before, but we think it'll be a good way to get characters branching out and interacting with people they wouldn't otherwise.

Basically for the next two weeks, starting at midnight tonight, nobody will be able to interact with anyone from their fandom. They won't be able to see or hear them in them in person. So, if Charles and Erik are in a room together, they won't actually be aware of each other or able to interact. But if Steph is there, she'll be able to see both of them and talk to both of them. They just won't be able to deal with each other at all. So Charles would hear the things Steph says, but not Erik's responses. Similarly, they won't be able to contact one another electronically, receive any messages from one another, or see anything posted by canon-mates on the network. They also cannot communicate via notes, smoke signals, interpretive dance, shadow puppets or carrier pigeons (sorry, Tesla). Or anything else you guys can think of. They are simply persona non grata to each other. Their names will still be on the plaques and their things will be there, so it's clear they're not gone from the city, but they can't interact.

For two weeks, everyone will be cut off completely from their canon-mates. They'll still be able to interact with anyone else they know in the city, but anyone from their own fandom is off-limits. This extends to entire fandoms. So even though Kitty and Bruce are from different continuities, they're both from the Marvel universe and would not be able to see or talk to one another. Similarly, characters from Doctor Who and Torchwood or Buffy and Angel would not be able to interact, nor would John Constantine and anyone from DC comics, as Vertigo interacts with DC comics. They can check on one another through non-fandom third parties, but we ask that this be kept to a minimum. If we feel like characters are abusing this, we will talk to the players about it.

This extends to children, because we feel the children in the game have formed enough connections to be able to be played without interacting with their guardians. Thus Jack and Meri Winchester would both be affected, and would not be able to interact with either of their parents' fandoms.

To some degree, it will be as if people who cohabitate with canon-mates are existing in parallel versions of reality, where they are unable to be aware of the actions of others. So if Remus is showering or reading a book, or making tea, Sirius will not hear the shower or see a book hovering in the air, or find random tea. They're completely removed from one another. (It'll be sort of like that episode of Buffy when Willow came back to Sunnydale and couldn't interact with anyone because none of them realized she was there and vice versa.) Seriously though, this is not the weirdest stuff to ever happen in Colligo.

Those with abilities that allow them to sense or locate others or communicate in other ways (Molly Suresh, Charles Xavier, Peter Petrelli, etc.) would also not be able to use their abilities on people from their own fandoms. And items like the Marauders' Map and two-way mirrors, or other items that would locate people, won't give their locations.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact the mods. Beyond that, just have fun and do your best to embrace this opportunity to branch your characters out.

♥ - The Mods