December 24th, 2010

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo


I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas Eve because come Christmas day, the Collector is no longer playing nice. With the Doctor expressing his worry that his luck with Christmas day was going to continue, the Collector is happy to oblige, so everyone prepare themselves for the appearance of Toclafane.

For anyone unfamiliar with Doctor Who, the Toclafane are a cyborg race composed of a next to impenetrable shield sphere equipped with atomizing lasers and blades that they could deploy at any time in order to cut their prey to ribbons. Possessing the intellect of a curious child and the attitude of a maniac sociopath, the Toclafane are unscrupulous killers who will slaughter anything and anyone that just happens to get in their way, not for survival or food but simply because it's fun.

Next to impossible to damage, the only thing that appears to have any effect on them are strong blasts of electricity with the same wattage as a bolt of lighting that will disable their hovering capabilities and weaponry and leave them pretty much sitting ducks for anyone that wants to come along and see what's inside. If anyone does happen to crack their shells, they will be in for one hell of a surprise. Because what lays inside is not mechanical. It's organic.

Inside every Toclafane shell is a human head, severed from its body and kept alive by the contained life support system within the shell. As the Master explained it to the Doctor, desparate to survive the end of the world, the humans used the technology that had sustained them for so long in order to cannibalize themselves, to give themselves a form that they mistakenly thought might give them a better chance of survival.

But by doing so, they reduced themselves to children, incapable of thinking beyond their most base motivations, without any of the positives of humanity such as love, compassion, and mercy. They are, for all intents and purposes, the greatest monsters of them all: humans capable of only the worst side of their nature.


And that's about it! If you have any questions at all, feel free to respond here or contact us and we'll do our best to explain.

We also hope everyone has a very happy and safe holiday and, as always, has fun with the chaos we have in store!

~ The Colligo Mod Squad

ETA: Because people have asked and we spaced on including this in the post to start with: Yes, the Toclafane can be harmed by magic. They aren't wholly invulnerable. Obviously on Doctor Who, that isn't the case, but for the purposes of this plot we're allowing it.

However, the only sort of spells that will destroy them are ones that are similar to electricity/electrical shocks equal or greater than that of a lightning bolt. Clearly, in most magical fandoms, such spells aren't readily available, so by all means feel free to have the magical sorts work together/invent a spell/know one from back in their wilder days/whathaveyou.

The Toclafane spheres can also by affected by magic (banishing charms or other things of that nature) should your character want to knock some around or need a quick getaway/rescue/etc.

If you still have questions about this, or anything else pertaining to the plot (except the length of it, as we never know for sure and typically aim for two weeks or so), feel free to ask! ♥