June 5th, 2010

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo

As per this thread and this one, Lucifer is now gone and all characters who were killed have been brought back to life. God restored those who were fallen to the way they were beforehand and your character either returned to life in the same location where they died or in their apartment - whichever you'd prefer.

If you would like to post something in [info]colligo_threads or [info]colligo_network that takes place after Lucifer's death but before the dead are alive again, please simply mark your posts with an OOC note stating that's when it takes place (as Lucifer was killed at night and God returned the next morning). Otherwise, this portion of the plot is officially over.

However, other baddies do remain within the city and characters can still be killed by these baddies. The Collector will return them to life once all of the baddies have been dealt with (meaning: when we call this entire plot officially over) so don't hesitate to jump in if you feel the urge!

As for the city itself, the majority of the dark, dangerous feel has lifted and the streets are no longer empty. Things are mostly back to normal, just with a few nasties still out there to keep things interesting. The threat of needing to stay indoors lest you die, however, is now past.

If you have any comments/questions, don't hesitate to ask. Otherwise, enjoy the rest of this event and we'll post again as soon as we wrap it up!