May 9th, 2010

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo


Once upon a time, [info]colligo ran steady, monthly activity checks. It's time for us to go back to doing so with a few changes to activity guidelines. We are no longer asking you for one thread with a four comment minimum, as we found that requirement to be problematic and it was abandoned for that very reason. Now, you are asked to complete one thread per month for each character. There is no comment minimum or maximum, as long as it is a thread in the [info]colligo_threads community and is completed. Easy, right? Let's break it down, anyway.
A thread is considered 'completed' whenever the players involved decided it is so. Please make use of the !completed tag in the the threads community for this and/or edit your post to indicate that the thread is completed. As previously stated, there is no minimum or maximum comment requirement, simply thread completion.

Additionally, please note that we will be checking the threads provided for activity to ensure that they are indeed complete (re: seem a feasible place that most would consider a stopping point in a thread) and not simply marked as such in order to make it appear as if activity requirements have been met.

If anyone encounters an issue with a player failing to tag back and complete a scene, please let us know. We understand that thread completion failure is often the fault of one and not both, so please, if this is the case, come to us. Not only are comments to the mod contact post screened, but our AIM names and e-mail addresses are listed. Do not hesitate to get in contact with us and we will do our best to solve this problem.

If someone drops a character and you were threading with said character, you will not be penalized for thread completion failure as long as you have been active elsewhere with your character. (This is where tags to the network community come in hand, please remember to tag posts you make AND comment to.)
Next week, we will be kicking off a massive plot that's been in the works for a while, so we guarantee you that there will be plenty of good reasons for your characters to get their thread on. Important information regarding this upcoming plot will follow this post.

Comments, questions, concerns? Please comment with them here and we will do our best to address them.


[info]colligomods in [info]colligo

[upcoming event] :: information

As per this post, we mentioned an upcoming game-wide plot. Although it will be another week or so before it starts, we would like to take a few moments to go over a bit of information ahead of time. This way, you the players can begin plotting for things to come and we, the mods, can answer any questions that might arise before the insanity fun begins.
• The character of Lucifer, from the television show Supernatural, is going to be arriving in the city. He is going to be there on a temporary basis and solely for the purposes of this plot only.

• As per our requirements for temporary characters, found here, as well as due to the specifics of his fandom, there is a definitive way in which he is going to eventually be defeated. Those who are involved in his defeat (character-wise) have already been chosen primarily due to both their relationship with him as well as their various abilities to assist in his defeat. This does not mean you cannot have your character attempt to stop him. By all means, if it is in-character for them to do so, have them do so. Simply keep in mind that he is very powerful and there is a strong likelihood that your character will either need the assistance of another character to get away from him or they will be killed. (More on that last bit in a moment.)

• Should you prefer not to have your character attempt to stop him directly, there are also going to be other characters - some temporary and some simply temporarily evil - who will be working with for him who will also be available to fight. If you have a character already in-game who could potentially be swayed to his side, by all means feel free to suggest them. If you have a character you feel you could play in a temporary capacity who would side with him, by all means feel free to bring them in.

• If you want to bring in a character in a temporary capacity, they must be: evil (or at the very least very, very morally gray) and temporary. For the duration of this plot, no characters that pose a threat to him will be accepted. This is mainly due to there already being quite a fair number of those sort in-game and our attempt to keep things a bit more balanced. Once the plot begins, no characters whatsoever will be accepted unless you have prior approval from a mod.

• In this plot, characters can die. In fact, many are going to die. If you would like to have one of your characters killed, do not worry. When the plot is complete, all characters will be brought back to life via in-character means. However, do keep in mind that, from the time your character is killed until the plot is complete, you cannot play them unless you find a feasible, in-character way to bring them back sooner and you must clear it with the mods first.

• For those players who do not have characters with 'special abilities', please also feel free to come up with reasons/ways that the villains would take interest in them. Not only superhero type characters are going to grab their attention and, of course, innocents are often harmed and sometimes killed in battle type scenarios as well. There are even times that those sorts can inadvertently be a hero. The point is, anything is possible, all you need do is consider your options and discuss it with your fellow players. We want everyone to enjoy themselves and do not wish to single anyone out.
This is not, by any means, all of the points of this plot. We will be covering more as we grow closer to the start. This is simply a list of basic guidelines so, again, you can ask any questions you may have as well as begin plotting both with us, the mods, as well as amongst yourselves.

Also, to make things easier, we are going to be making a post in [info]colligo that is going to be solely for the purposes of plotting for this upcoming event. This doesn't mean you can't discuss it privately with other players, but is more for any general ideas or suggestions as well as to make those who are not easily accessible via AIM to be involved as well.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or simply reply to this post directly!

~ The Colligo Mods