October 1st, 2009

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo


Activity Checks will be done on a monthly basis in this game. This will be judged based on activity within the [info]colligo_threads community, in which a character must have participated in a log at least once a month with the thread having a minimum of four comments posted to it. If a character fails the activity check, they will be given their first and only activity warning and are expected to get active with their character in the threads community within a week of failing the activity check. Failure twice in a row or failure to get active within that week will result in that character's removal from the game.

► This check is for the activity during the month of September 2009. Only threads and comments posted between 09/01 and 09/30 will count for this check.
► Characters less than 10 days old are excused, simply mention this for them in the check.
► Threads used to redeem activity for the previous month cannot be used for the check.
This is a mandatory check. All players (and their characters) who have NOT posted to the hiatus post are expected to respond before 10/10/2009.
► If you're going to drop a character, please do so on the appropriate post.
► Please use the following form. INCLUDE YOUR NAME IN THE SUBJECT LINE.


Please note that excessive passing by the bare minimum of four comments will be addressed by the mods and could possibly result in your character's removal from the game. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact one of the mods.