September 13th, 2009

[info]thecollector in [info]colligo


How irritating, The Collector thought to himself as he lounged back in his chair, the monitors that showed him what was happening in his city flashing from building to building and person to person, from this angle and that, showing him nothing of great interest.

This was never his intention, to let his collection get so comfortable within his city and yet, some of them were. They were mingling and making friends, developing romantic relationships and other such bonds that were making their interim here in his city more of an interstellar vacation and not the experiment he'd been conducting. It was an interesting set of details to add to the many notes he'd taken on their interactions thus far, but he did not desire for them to be happy. If he wanted that, he would have left them where they were and observed them in their natural habitats. No, he wanted to collect them, to hoard them and keep them in his city, acting the way he wanted them to act.

And this was not the way he wanted things. Not at all.

"Time to do something about that, wouldn't you say..." He turned to face a figure standing at his right. "...Barbas?"

"Like I said, I'll create your chaos for you... Just so long as I get to do what I wish with the Charmed Ones," Barbas drawled, fingers steepling as his gaze flashed out over the monitor. Piper, Paige, and Prue, all three caged in and in the perfect position for the ultimate revenge.

"Do not let them occupy your attentions. I expect you to make all of them suffer."

"Oh, I will. They will. They won't even know what hit them."

Okay! We're going to try to keep this as short and sweet as possible, but as this is going to be covering the ins and outs of the next baddie to come to Colligo, everyone please read it all the way through, okay?

Cut to save the friends pages )