August 11th, 2009

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo


The following characters failed the activity check and will need to provide proof of redemption activity by August 17th to remain in the game.
Aaron Corbett [[info]redeems_fallen] REDEEMED
Andrew Wells [[info]tuckersbrother] REDEEMED
Aziraphale [[info]neversellsbooks] REDEEMED
Donna Noble [[info]notyourmate] REDEEMED
Eliot Spencer [[info]doesntlikeguns] REDEEMED
Gwen Cooper [[info]strongeverytime] REDEEMED
Hikaru Sulu (AU) [[info]readyforwarp] REDEEMED
Katherine Concannon [[info]pure_faith] REDEEMED
Leonard McCoy (AU) [[info]damnitjim] REDEEMED
Luke Campbell [[info]justalittlebent] REDEEMED
Marco [[info]pointatopointb] REDEEMED
Montgomery Scott (AU) [[info]canigetatowel] REDEEMED
Nathan Ford [[info]honestman] REDEEMED
Olivia Dunham [[info]seeksthepattern]
Parker [[info]inafivepoundbag] REDEEMED
Pavel Chekov (AU) [[info]icandozat] REDEEMED
Remus Lupin [[info]primuslune] REDEEMED
River Tam [[info]makemeastone] REDEEMED
Rose Tyler [[info]blaidd_drwg_] REDEEMED
Sophie Devereaux [[info]whenitsanact] REDEEMED
Tobias Fangor [[info]nothlit_boy] REDEEMED
Violet Baudelaire [[info]science_violet] REDEEMED
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce [[info]wearesoweak] REDEEMED
Willow Rosenberg [[info]kindagay] REDEEMED
Winona Kirk (AU) [[info]cantdothisalone]REDEEMED
In order to redeem these character's activity, you must provide the following. If your character fails the next Activity Check, that character will be automatically removed from the game. All redemption threads must have at least four comments, two of which were made by your character.