August 9th, 2009

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo

Attention players!!

At midnight EST, it will be the 10th of August and the current event taking place in-game will be over. As we realize that not everyone is online at the same time, we are going to allow everyone to somewhat space out their characters' return to normal over a 24 hour period. This means by midnight (EST) on the 11th of August all characters should be returned to normal. There is only one exception to this and it is as follows.

If you want to keep a character of yours AU/older/younger, please reply to this post with the appropriate information. However, please note that there are a few stipulations.

• If you have five characters or less, you can only keep one their AU/future/past self.
• If you have five characters or more, you can only keep two their AU/future/past self.
• If, at any point, we feel that you are losing sight of the character and turning them grossly OOC, we retain the right to request you change the character back to normal or, in extreme cases, drop the character entirely.

Obviously, the third stipulation is only for situations where it is painfully obvious that the character is OOC without a significant change in canon to explain such a major personality change. We don't want rampant OOCness and borderline OCs and/or Sue's and Stu's overrunning the game so this is simply a precaution. Thus far everyone has been amazing at playing their chosen AU!characters!!

And really, that's it. As of midnight, feel free to begin turning characters back to normal and all characters should be back to normal within twenty-four hours of that mark.

Thank you all for your amazing commitment to this game and for an extremely successful Event! Keep your eyes peeled for the next one to take place and, as always, if you have any suggestions for a possible event and/or 'baddie of the week' simply respond to this post with the information!!

As always, if you have any comments/questions/concerns feel free to contact us here.

~ The Colligo Mods