June 19th, 2009

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo


Due to unforeseen IRL issues which are providing the mods with time constraints which prevent us from being online as frequently as we would otherwise be, we have decided to wrap up the Gentlemen plot.

After reevaluating the victims list we had compiled and comparing it to our original completion time estimate, we realized that if we kept at the plot at the pace it's been going thus far, that it would run well into the beginning of July--something we would rather avoid. So, after much discussion, we've decided to wrap things up and let the captives of Colligo get their voices back.

How is this going to work? Below, you'll find the remaining list of victims who have not yet scened with the Gentlemen.
Piper Halliwell
Scott Summers
Ezri Dax
Martha Jones
Michiru Kaioh
Caryn Smoke
L Lawliet
Edward Morgan Blake (The Comedian)
Charlie Crews
Angela Shaw
Jack Harkness
Eliot Spencer
Claire Saundres
The victims have the following options: [1] assume the outcome or [2] backtag with the Gentlemen. If you would prefer to the latter, please comment to this post by midnight tomorrow (06/20) night EST. Those of you who wish to backtag, the mods will set up one, singular post tomorrow to accommodate all those scenes, with separate threads within the posts for each character.

The ending scene will be posted tomorrow evening, in which the plot will be wrapped up and the characters voices, hearing, the sounds of the city, etc. will be fully restored.

We apologize for any inconvenience this causes the players. If the players have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the mods.