June 5th, 2009

[info]colligomods in [info]colligo


Although not a typical city by any means, conventional or otherwise, there was a certain vibe to Colligo that most locals were oblivious to and most new arrivals tended to become attuned with easily enough. Granted there was no rhyme or reason to the comings and goings during the bright light of day, as townsfolk moved about and conducted their business and strangers were thrust together with far more questions than answers. Yet there was a low hum that came from the heart of a city, even one as bizarre as this; a quiet murmur that offered proof positive that life did exist.

The arrival of the vehicles and mass transit only made it all the more palapable. Whereas before nightfall offered a hint of silence and a chance for those weary from their day's adventure some quiet to rest, the streets now remained ever-busy. Random honks from passing motorists, screeching of tires at intersections, barks and meows from animals too slow to get away from the rolling of hot tires - each and every bit of background noise was a quiet symphony and testimony to the steadily growing and flourishing city.

All of that abruptly changed, however, one starless night.

It seemed as though a cloak had been draped over the top of Colligo. Or perhaps a switch had been flipped. Whatever the case, shortly after the stroke of midnight - as told by the chiming of the clock on a church tower near the Grand Library - all sound simply ceased to exist.

No one was aware of the change. They wouldn't be aware until morning. Whatever bewitchery had fallen the denizens ensured they were either asleep or in other ways too preoccupied to notice. It was best that way, really, as those responsible had many things to do before the sun began to climb across the eastern sky. Yet even if someone had been aware, there was nothing to be done about it. For as the fog began to slowly fill the streets and thicken the air, they came. As silent as death itself, they arrived on feet that merely glided across the surface of the streets and with strange creatures garbed in straitjackets prepared to do their bidding.

They smiled with lipless mouths and hauntingly dark eyes. Pale skin stretched across their too-thin frames and long, tapered fingers tingled with anticipation. They were here. It was time.

The Gentlemen had arrived.

Must Read! )