


Posts Tagged: 'regulus+black+%28bookishstar%29'



I require more cookies and pillows. Oh, and some blankets. This fort needs more supplies.



...It feels so strange that it's going to be the first of September Thursday, and I don't have a train to school to catch. Does that feeling ever go away, or does it continue being weird every year? Not... that I would know back home.

Am, are you going to be at the stables tomorrow?



What the bloody hell is this about.. Where I am?



What in the bloody hell is this place?

Prongs? Moony? Lily?




Muggle school makes absolutely no sense. I'd have one more year back home before I was finished. Here I have two because they put me into the high school as a sophomore when I showed up because of my age. This isn't FAIR


I'm starting to think you might have had the right idea refusing to be enrolled when you arrived.



I found an interesting surprise at the stables when I went to work today - some new horses seem to have arrived overnight. I was happy to spend the majority of my day getting them settled into their new home between my other jobs.

[Private to Alecto]

You should come down and see them, tell me I'm not just imagining that they're from our stables.

[Private to Regulus]

If you want to come visit the stables and would prefer not to see me - I can tell you what my schedule is. Or if you do want to come visit and see me that would be even better How are you settling in with Arthur?

[Private to Bellatrix]

What would you say Poppet to going horseback riding with me tomorrow?

[Private to Kris]

Four of the horses that arrived - are mine. The black and gold ones - I don't want anyone else riding them. In fact I'd be more comfortable taking sole responsibility for their care. I'll do it after taking care of my other duties of course. The other two - if people want to ride the red they can, he's well trained but I'm sure you saw that already. The gray - isn't really mine to say anymore.



Is this weather even necessary? I'm starting to feel a bit like a steamed crab. Is all of America like this in the summer?




So much ice cream.

Good day.



Well it seems that the weather isn't the only thing intending to give us surprises right now.

[Private to Rabastan, Alecto, and Bella]

I'm sure you've all seen by now but Regulus is back. Our version of him at any rate. He won't be staying with us because there just simply isn't room but he does have a key to the house from when he lived here before. I told him to keep it


Any chance I could convince you to join me for a drink tonight? I feel the need to get roaring drunk and know I make bloody stupid decisions when entering that state alone.



So.. somehow in the course of a day, several months passed. Well, I'm sure it wasn't a day for anyone but me, because that's just not how things works. Honestly, it shouldn't work that way even for me but considering it was 1979 for me when I first came here, I should be used to this weirdness.

In my absence, the room I was staying in now belongs to someone else. Would anybody have the room for me to stay and wait this out?