


Posts Tagged: 'phoebe+halliwell+%28sensethevisions%29'



Filtered to Coop

Have you read the network today? It looks like all three of our future daughters are here and things don't seem to be very good between at least two of them.

I didn't get involved in the conversation since I wasn't invited, but...

It's worrying.



I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Christmas or Yule if you celebrate either one.



Filtered to Coop

So, I met one of our future daughters.



So, I am opening a Bar and Grill. I expect my family to help me. coughhalliwellscough, but anyone else who wants in just let me know.



When the potion exploded I didn't think it would cause me to end up somewhere else. Can someone tell me where I am? Any Halliwell's here?



Where am I? How did I get here? Phoebe, are you here?



I've seen and done a lot of things, but finding myself all the way in Florida when I was in San Francisco is a new one.