


Posts Tagged: 'damien+thorn+%28ceo_antichrist%29'



Dammit, now someone else I know is gone. My boss at Missbehavin. I think he was going to come in, but I also can't reach him by phone at all. Which sucks (and not in a good way, haha sorry couldn't resist) since I wished to ask if I could help with overnight inventory again. It's really unfortunate, Roman Stilinski was a great boss to work for while he was here.

[Neverland House]
Any weekend plans? I was thinking of cooking up some barbecue food on Saturday. And if no one objects to me decorating the house up with Halloween themed stuff, I could start on it. Maybe even have a Halloween party too.

I guess I should have known that fate wasn't finished screwing with my life.



Damn... I don't think my friend is here anymore. Tall, blond guy, sort of a ghost. And hot. Well, not only a friend, more like a best friend, we were kinda the same in some ways Hadn't heard from Tate in a while or met with him like we usually do. Killing him was fun, so many different ways Though the times we met in my bedroom was also fun I went by his place today and he wasn't there. Actually, I think Violet is gone too since I didn't see her either.

Hmm. Looks like I'll just spend more time at work now. Boss, let me know if you need me to work more hours, or I can work for Justin if he might want an extra day off.




I demand to be taken to Peter....or even that nasty Hook. Did he do this?!

I want to go home...



Don't worry everyone.

I'm here.

The party? It can officially begin now.




I wonder if there will be somewhere I can get my hands on some fireworks soon...

could think of a few things to do with the really nasty ones.



Filtered; Neverland House

Peace, be still Nope looks like still got strong winds Hey, I got to ask. Any of you ever been through a hurricane? I don't believe they have any in any Maine, though I suppose.. possibly in Neverland if it were imagined? Ohh! Hook. You probably dealt with a lot of storms while sailing. This might be worse.

Haven't checked myself, but we should secure shutters for the windows, maybe see if we have a good basement. Or failing that, find a shelter or underground bunker in this city. Ones made by the military would certainly do just fine.




Does anyone know Violet? Anyone talked to her? I know she's still mad at me, but I got her something to show her I'm sorry.

She hides from me in the apartment, so I try not to bother her there. Vi?



Well this doesn't seem right...




Gifts from Damien

[Wrapped packages left for the other three residents of Neverland House, from Damien Thorn]

Presents )



And on today's list of why am I working with people who smile so much. How do people even maintain that level of cheeriness

Trefoil today, it seems. More commonly known as bird's foot trefoil and probably less commonly referred to as Lotus corniculatus unless you actually work with flowers, have an interest in them, or whatever other reason muggles have for knowing things like this. I suppose for a flower so sunny it might be strange to find that it symbolises revenge, but then one of Lavender's meanings is distrust. Of course, that is only because of some superstition that poisonous asps lived beneath lavender, so you shouldn't trust Lavender.

Then again, neither are nearly as theatrically dramatic as hemlock

So if you were looking for something to send that special someone in your life or someone that is over dramatic about things in a way that is mildly entertaining at times, I really do suggest the bird's foot trefoil. Who knows? Maybe a card with a bit of fake blood on it will make things all that more interesting for you. It could be real blood too, but in the interest of not dealing with whatever muggles call the people that enforce their laws, I won't suggest that



Well, looks like I don't have a boss at Missbehavin anymore. He was a good boss, and easy to like I can't seem to reach him. I was wanting to ask him about Christmas themes as far as products and movies go. Or if I could decorate the place up just a little. Hmm.. actually, I can't call my co-worker Robert either as he also seems to be missing.

Kirk, have you seen Jack? Has he mentioned any plans of moving on to another line of work? Which sounds odd, he seemed to like it. I know I do. I guess.. well, I'll just keep working my normal hours. I'll need to, since I am, so far, the only employee present. I also know a few things about account bookkeeping, so I could try to run it a bit too til someone steps forward to take over.



filtered; bad/evil types only

Anyone here from Hydra, raise your hand.

Anyone interested in joining our cause, let me know.



I must admit that I was detained against my will after I was discovered wandering the streets of Daytona, but frankly, I'm still none the wiser about my current situation here.

Does anyone feel like enlightening me?



Well isn't this a surprise....While I am not one to complain about being sent to paradise, I do have things to do and they don't include getting a tan and watching others surf.



I was thinking. I should probably look into getting a job or something.

I don't suppose there's anything out there for someone who's resume involves things like breaking into or out of prisons and beating people up?



You know what. I'm really tired of moping around and worrying about our situation. It's Halloween, we're by a practically empty beach during one of the best holidays around. Since there's suddenly a lot more of us, we should really have a get together.

So - Clear up your schedule on Saturday night. The party's by the beach near our apartments. Let's have a little fun. I'm working something with the Hanged Man to get an open bar in order. Bonfire, blankets -- some dancing. My parties are the best parties of the year. You can ask anyone from Beacon Hills. Répondez S'il Vous plaît if you are in!

Costumes are loved.


[[ OOC | So Lydia is hosting a party for Halloween. The details of which can be found here. Everything is opt in, and you can have your character join the party without getting the full brunt of the side effects. ]]



open network: christian ozera

Florida? Really? If I was going to be mysteriously kidnapped, I can think of much less sunny better places.



There better be a good reason for this. I'm supposed to be studying at my Yale dorm, goddammit. He would literally damn it just because it's me I have places to go, things to do, plans, endeavors, goals. Which includes eventually running my multiglobal company. How will I fulfill my father's work if I cant get back and I will say one thing. I better be able to make up any missed school credits, and include monetary compensation as well.

Although... I can admit Florida is a nice place to visit. As long as it remains just that, a visitation, not to mention it would be nice to know how or why I'm suddenly here instead of home. I also found out I have a job. Missbehavin, an adult entertainment store. Perfect Accurate name. I like it. Don't worry boss, I will sell the shit out of whatever product the customer likes. Guaranteed.



This is Captain Jim Kirk of the Enterprise.

Now, I know I'm breaking every rule in the book coming into contact but I really need someone who can shed some light on this situation. Since we're going to be stuck together in mutual captivity, let's get to know each other and see what we can do to bail ourselves out of this scenario. Open floors are best when they start with a question -- What's your name and how long have you been held prisoner?

Crew, if you're out there - status report.