


Posts Tagged: 'psyche+%28paralellbeauty%29'



Here's Vicky!



Filtered away from Harry Potter people and under 21’s

Anyone up for keeping me company/getting fall down piss drunk with me tonight? I don’t want to remember a bloody thing that happened/I did tomorrow morning.



Oh my god this place is amazing during spring break. They actually give you booze.



I have been quiet I know. Just been busy with the shop and other things. Wish there was more of my kind around, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to get out more and interact with people...



It's times like the upcoming holiday season that I wish Eros and Bliss were here. I hate feeling like a piece of me is always missing. I wish there was a way I could see them both, just once.



No more umbrella and reclaimed my real hair color!

Only downside is knowing when it might rain via ankle woes.



I know I have been quiet lately everyone. Just harder to get into the swing of things. Looks like I missed Halloween. Oh well. Always next year.

Edward: can we do something? I think it's time to drag me out before you resort to the whole kicking and streaming tactic.



It's been a while since I last said anything here. I fear I have missed a lot, and while I dont feel like myself still, but I am going back to work. With the war inside my head, I probably shouldn't but I need to do something other than staring at the four walls.

Have I missed anything?

Edward: Are you still here? Maybe we can go out and do something.



Officially feeling very useless right now.

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


Alexis never showed up the day of the fight, she texted she was coming to check on me during her lunch hour. Did she even touch base with any of you?


So far so good in terms of the ankle, am running low on painkillers but being busy on the laptop is helping.



Its only going to get ugly and the locals are going to make sure we know it.

And I'm tracking violence patterns to keep from going nuts: has anything worse happened beyond garbage/beer pelting?

And is there a way to know if a tire was indeed slashed or if it was just a super slow leak via freak nail hit?


I'm freaking out, found a super nasty note on my scooter while on a call this afternoon. And I hid cans of Fix-A-Flat in as many places as possible.

Working from here tomorrow, one perk of being a tech right? But officially dreading Monday (and since I know you will worry, I don't have problems at the station).



Anyone near the station with a can of Fix-A-Flat?

Because the tire on my scooter just got slashed.

Psyche: I'll be a bit late picking you up from the shop but I'll be there ASAP.



The way things are looking I'll just be happy with a repair kit friendly to my time period at this point.


Things are nuts at work but I'm finally able to check in on you, holding up all things considered? And once things get back to semi-normal we should make plans to do something fun.

And this fish out of time is happy for your friendship too.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)



As bloody annoying as a pack of gods can be, if Jerome and George were here they'd probably take off for an hour and come back with a sack of tuna to smoke up with some watercress or something.



Message to Radical Edward

Thanks so much for staying with me the night I found the body. I am still pretty shaken and jumpy, but I think I will be okay. I am not sure how much of that I believe, or how much I am trying to convince myself, but I am glad I have your support in this crazy place. I'll be at Lost in Time Antiques for a few hours, but I don't know if I am going to last the entire time. There's the info I have yet to give to the elves too... I am not sure how I am going to handle that. But thanks for everything and then some. Your friendship means a lot to me. Fish out of time are growing closer. And after losing my sisters, I am seeing what a real relationship with one is. If you need me, you know how to call on me.




All right guys. Come on. Shit's getting out of hand and we've already got eighty thousand problems without ripping each other apart. Unity and all that shit. But that also don't mean we can't defend ourselves from others... or each other.

1. How many of you can do self defense?
2. How many of you would like to learn self defense?
3. How many of you would like to help me teach self defense?

Before you ask, yeah I've got experience in training people. I help train Wardens back home and that includes combat magic, hand to hand combat with close range weapons, and shooting. Shit like that.


Failing all that bullshit. Let's just get a futbol team together and kick a ball around for a while.



The death of our King was unjust and brutal in nature. The desecration of a body is a sin beyond words in this world or any other, though the spirit be more sacred. None should suffer such a fate.

In accordance with command of our Lord Fingon, and by witness of the Wizard Dresden, it was decided that the ones responsible for Lord Turgon's death would be delivered into our hands upon capture, to be dealt with as we would without interference.

Failure to provide them unto us by month's end will result in our withdrawal from society. We will cease all food production and withdraw our medicinal supplies and any further aid.

So it is spoken.



I'm not getting sick. I'm not getting sick. I am not getting sick!



Oh my goddess... My heart is completely shattered. I am currently at work and in case you all dont know it'Lost in Time Antiques. And... Oh gods... There's a body. He's... dead. I never been so devestated,shocked or scared... anyone out there please help.



Death is no easy thing to accept. Nor loss with such suddenness that leaves only questions that cannot be answered.

My Lord Brother and our King was murdered in a fashion that is crude and undeserving. There will be justice for what has been done.

[Filtered to Maglor, Maedhros, Glorfindel, Elrohir, and Elladan]
No longer should any venture out alone. We will take the ash of his body to the sea and pray that his soul has found way to our home. Wait for my call.

Until truth may be found, there will be no dealing with those that are not our kin. Stay near and be vigilant.



Edward feels guilty since she got her scooter back (literally just found it outside) but I want to be useful.

So anyone need stuff picked up?

Ianto (version 1 I hope): I spent all day making repairs so all the webcams should be up and running again. But outside of some burns I'm as well as can be given things.