


Posts Tagged: 'dimitri+belikov+%28russianburya%29'



I have been quiet I know. Just been busy with the shop and other things. Wish there was more of my kind around, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to get out more and interact with people...



I think Rose is gone. I can't find her anywhere.



Soooo...I may or may not have just set our toaster on fire, trying to toast two slices in one slot, like they do on pinterest.


I MIGHT have.

I admit nothing.



(backdated to shortly after this, suuuuper late at night)

[SUPERNATURAL FRIENDS basically anyone from TVD/Being Human/VA worlds that she has talked to. If you want to know if your character is included in this, just ask me.... Uh but obvious Roman does not qualify as friend since he just tried to eat her?]
That guy Roman's a vamp, FYI, and definitely not the fluffy care bear variety.



I'm going to go attempt to have a life. Text me if anything crazy happens.



Who do you think you are, to take a guardian away from the place that he was supposed to be protecting?