


Posts Tagged: 'bray+whiteheart+%28sindorei_%29'



I miss Noblegarden.



I have felt as if I have been sleeping for years. I dreamt that I had turned into a worgen...Thank the Old Gods that I am not one of those foul creatures.



In case you crazy kids have all forgotten, TOMORROW IS THANKSGIVING. Some of us have organized a massive feast of awesome and even if you have no clue what the holiday is about (spoiler alert: it's basically about the pie) or you don't celebrate cause you're not American, you're still invited to come eat with us.

Don't worry, I'm not actually cooking anything, so the food will actually be edible. Food will be ready around 4, but come by sooner if you want to hang. [insert location here bc Lena is too lazy to come up with something rn]



Much like your holiday last month, I don't understand the need for this one.

Perhaps I should explain things.

I am a Blood Elf, from the world of Azeroth. My people - and the rest of the Horde - don't get along with humans. We have never called your holidays by their proper titles. Instead, we celebrate Hallow's End, Pilgrim's Bounty, Feast of the Winter Vale, and so many others that I cannot seem to think of all of them right now.

However, I would like to understand your holidays and traditions. Despite being treated as outcasts to the humans of the Alliance, I believe that I can live safely here, and without fear of being treated as such.



How the hell did my flat for two suddenly turn into a quad with room for 4? This isn't a bloody boarding school! And somehow, gone from the 7th Floor down to room #303.

Oi... new girl. Touch my scotch without permission and you'll regret it.



What is this thing that people are going to be celebrating...Halloween, I think it's called? I'm not familiar with the custom.



Does someone want to point my handsome self to the nearest gun shop? I need to restock.



The death of our King was unjust and brutal in nature. The desecration of a body is a sin beyond words in this world or any other, though the spirit be more sacred. None should suffer such a fate.

In accordance with command of our Lord Fingon, and by witness of the Wizard Dresden, it was decided that the ones responsible for Lord Turgon's death would be delivered into our hands upon capture, to be dealt with as we would without interference.

Failure to provide them unto us by month's end will result in our withdrawal from society. We will cease all food production and withdraw our medicinal supplies and any further aid.

So it is spoken.



Just several things:

1. Who is responsible for the rooming system? I've been settled with a young unmarried woman and it's inappropriate to share living space. For her sake I'd like to be moved.

2. Where may I get the broadsheets for the last six months?

3. Local taverns, please.



Octavia, Jenny, Luna, Erica, and Parker - each of you expressed interest or offered to help my kinsmen and I with healing or planting. If any of you are taken ill by this human sickness, feel no obligation to join.

For the rest - It's time to move from discussion of what can be done into what we will do.

The rooftops are insufficient to provide enough crops to feed the whole for any length of time. But Elrohir is correct when he suggests it offers an easily accessed location, and in truth, one more easily protected from outside threats.

But I suggest we take to the reserve and plant a larger field. It'll require an effort to plow the field and channel the natural waters appropriately, but I have plans laid for accomplishing that, but need able hands to see it done. I'd also ask for volunteers to watch and protect the fields from threats, be they animal or human.

The weather of Daytona Florida in this summer season will allow us to grow green beans, okra, squash, corn, carrots, lettuce, butter beans, and cucumbers before the season changes.

What does winter look like in Daytona Florida? Can we count on the seasons to be normal?

Further, I saw discussion of the collection of supplies. Do we have an itemized list of those supplies? Where are they being stored and how do you intend to ensure they remain safe? Even from each other? I understand many of you would like to believe that we'd pull together and work with a system of integrity and honesty in hard times, but hard times change us.



This is a pleasant surprise. It seems that I didn't get just my chain mail and bow, but also my dragon, Dach Cyfaill.

I know that the barrier has us locked by land, but have we tried flight? Surely we cannot be kept here forever without proper supplies. Even in my garrison there was, at least, had a repair merchant from whom to buy and sell things to.



Ahh, I have missed my new bow. And it seems that I also have acquired new chain mail clothing as well.

If anyone is in need of a bow and chain mail clothing, please let me know.

[ Thea ]
How are you feeling?



Can't risk painkillers...



If anyone is in need of some minor healing and she who had offered her help cannot help you, I am more than willing to care for those who need it. I am not a priest, druid, or shaman by nature, but I can give some of my healing potions out to humans.



If anyone's not sure if you need to go to the hospital, I'm home in 408 for the next few hours. I can't prescribe anything as an unregistered nurse and all the natural medicine I know is from the other side of the world but I can at least tell you how bad it might be.

Just a disclaimer that I don't have brain scanners or anything. If you hit your head and you feel dizzy, nauseous, lightheaded, anything like that, skip me and go to a real doctor. Same if you might have internal bleeding - if you see any blood in urine or stool or if you're coughing or vomiting it, straight to hospital. Keep an eye on any bruising because it can take a while to show up and if they're getting bigger you might have a problem. If I can see or feel the damage I can assess it. If I can't, you need to see someone who can.



[ Filtered to Jenny and David ]

Thea and I have patrol today. Will you two be good with taking care of the store?



Has stuff just shown up out of the blue for people before?



Well that was oddly fast.

I go into On Target to get extra arrows and got offered a job since the archery guy just quit.

I'm taking it, need to feel useful since so much is not making sense.

*Weapons Users*

Only curious but anyone else into archery?



Ye gods, do you people expect your friends to appear in alternate dimensions with regularity?



Hell's bells, when did we leave Narnia for Middle-earth? Suddenly we're invaded by demons and a prancing of freaking elves.