

So it is Hoshi and sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I had a super bad cold, then I pinched a nerve in my back. Fun times.

I am around now and plan on catching up.

Deanna Winchester and Ramola Lupin.



HI! I'm Trinity!

I bring you Maggie Greene from the Walking Dead. I'm really bad at intro's cause I've been spoiled the last two years playing with pretty much the same group of people. Chrissy invited me over but I certainly know a few of you. Okay, actually, I think I know like... 75% or more.


Let's try that again. I'm Trin. I'm 32. I live in the USUALLY snow-buried state of New York (central, NOT NYC), although we seem to be getting a break this year (no, really, we usually have more snow fall than any other area with a population of over 100,000, and my town is south of the city of Syracuse and we get more than the official totals). Last year we spent all of Feb. -35F and below, so I guess mother nature is saying OH HEY LOOK NICE WEATHER AND NO SNOW (though, I'll take snow. My well wants it tyvm). Anyways. I bring you Maggie Greene. TWD. Awesome. Badass.


Love her? and me!
~ Trin the "hasn't slept in like... weeks" player type person



Hey guys, I'm sAmmii, and I'm bringing in my second character, AU Paige Krasikeva from Teen Wolf. She's Derek's childhood love who died in canon...but this Paige didn't. She got better and became a werewolf.

If anyone would like to bring in a canon Derek, I'd love to play that line, but I'm totally up for anything else too!



HI AGAIN FRIENDS! Shiloh here, because I have -3 self control. I have brought you two new children!

This first guy is Sans. He's a skeleton. (Note: not currently a skeleton.) He's canon from a little game called Undertale which, if you haven't played it: 1) your life is a darker and sadder place for it and 2) you need to play it. In the meantime, here is a pretty decent summary of it. (No but seriously, play it, it's on Steam, buy the soundtrack too because it is bomb. If you really can't buy it, jacksepticeye's playthrough is what got me into it and so far the one from Dan and Phil is also pretty decent so far. Knowing that you have access to an awesome game, it fills you with determination.)

Anyway, quick rundown for anyone who hasn't played the game and/or doesn't have time to watch eight hours of video, Undertale is a game about shitty puns and the complexities of human morality a human in a world of monsters, who are very different from humans - monsters are mostly comprised of magic and thus can make use of it, their souls are different, blah blah blah. All you need to know about Sans is that 1) he does not look or act like he could or would kick your ass and 2) he can and will kick your ass if he needs to. Also he makes a lot of really horrible puns. I should probably apologize for him now. Everything else about him can be found at his profile and this post.

Then next is an AU Merlin Emrys ([info]thatothermerlin from Merlin. Rather than coming from Arthurian times, he comes from a modern world where the tales of King Arthur and the Wizard Merlin are just legends and myths, and right now he's working as an intern for Pendragon Industries while he works on an anthropology degree. Current things he's not a fan of: interning for Pendragon Industries and Arthur Pendragon, who is a tool.

So that's these two! Let me know if you need anything from them!



Hi,hi. I'm Misha and I'm sneaking on during my lunch break. Wheeee.

I have been coerced into joining. I have brought with me several pretty faces from Teen Wolf, including this BAMF, the one and only Chris Argent. He is canon and current. The Nogitsune is also a BAMF, and is pulled from episode 3x20 after he copied Stiles' likeness for his own nefarious purposes. Last but not least, Derek Hale who is AU and I believe I'm picking up where the previous Derek left off. Bear with me, as I will inevitably make adjustments and what not, but yes. That's the plan.

I have also brought in Thomas from the Maze Runner, pulled from the end of the first movie. I have two others (Daryl Dixon and Lindsey McDonald) on hold, and will get them apped soon. For now, Chris, Noggy, Derek, and Thomas are ready to jump feet first into playing and will do so when I get home this evening. I have PT after work today, so I'll be home later than usual.

Hit me up for plot and whatever, cause I'm here to play :)



So, Tis Julia, I have six today. I will give a deeper intro later, for now just who I have and if canon or AU.

Brittany S. Pierce, glee, AU
Sterling Archer, Archer, canon
Sherlock Holmes, Guy Ritchie verse, AU
Oliver Queen, Arrow, AU
Jason Scott, Power Rangers, AU
Rapunzel, Tangled, canon

Fair warning, Archer is a grade A douche, and there is a 100% chance he will offend one of your characters. Don't take it personally, I swear, that's just Archer. Lol.



Okay. So I will be slow for a few days. Bad mental health time on TOP of bad time to be a woman, so I am all over the place, AND I am not sleeping.

I am at the verge of a panic attack right now actually. Just a head's up.

I will still tag it will just be sporadic



Computer decided to have a heart attack, and while it technially still works,the fan sounds like its dragging/trying to explode. I'll still be around if anyne wants to plot and shit,but you'll have to Im me seperatly bc IMs go to my phone and not group chats,



I'm trying to do tags but my Fibro apparently doesn't like the pressure in the air from the blizzard thingy that is hitting us. So, I'm taking meds and going to nap to see if that helps.

I am also asking for help to get some of my people into activity as pain and stress has got me well behind where I usually am trying ot be by this point in time. I'll provide a list when I get up again.


(So cross-posted)



So, forget the storyline I was going to do with Blaine.... I'm going to have him post about the flu or something and that's it. I changed my mind, I deleted his post, just fyi.



Hello awesome humans! (And nonhuman characters!) Aimee here with four new ones. Because people know my weaknesses.

1st off is this girl here - Jamie Moriarty (au). She is Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes only with boobs. She pretends to be charming and sweet but it's an act. She owns her own gallery, The Tube so if anybody wants to have a character working there, she needs 5 employees - just shoot me a message and we'll see if we can't work something out. She's going to be sharing a place with Sherrinford (who works for her back home and she uses him. It's the truth)

Second is Percy Jackson (canon) from the Percy Jackson books. He is a demigod (son of Poseidon), always wants to do the right thing, water is his favorite place to be, he's going to love being in Daytona because...no monsters as far as he can tell! and his girlfriend is here. He's also going to be living with Captain America at his house. He's going to be working part time at the candy store and going to school.

Third is Angelica Fenwick (Harry Potter Original character). She is the younger sister of Benjy Fenwick, he died just over two years ago (on her birthday - thank you Death Eaters. She hates you all. You have forever ruined her birthday!) She's pretty much a squib, went to University after finishing Hogwarts where she was working towards becoming a social worker. In Daytona she'll be the guidance counselor at the high school. She's housed with Klaus Mikaelson.

Fourth is Sanderson Mansnoozie (canon) from Rise of the Guardians. Yeah...he's buddies with Jack but had nothing to do with the snow! If you haven't seen the movie - Sandy (which he is perfectly cool with people calling him) is the Sandman. He uses his magic dream sand to put people to sleep and give them pleasant dreams. He can also use it as a weapon but he much prefers to be a peaceful guy. He'll want to help everybody have good dreams (but won't be allowed to because...where's the fun in that?)

Anyway! Hit me up for any plot with these babies, or any of my other 9.



Hello again!

Bela here bringing you this adorable barrel of mischief, Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. I spoke to the lovely Chrissy and she said she was perfectly fine with Jack making it snow for the next few days. Just to throw a wrench in things a bit. I was thinking a week of on and off flurries, if that is all right with everyone? Not a blizzard or anything, just a cooler temperature and snowfall warnings.

Thank you!! Look forward to interacting <3



Good Morning one and all!

My name is Hoshi and I can be reached on aim @ ididmoody so feel free to hit me up. I am on off and on to be quite honest. There is this thing called college and it takes up a lot of my time, but only on Tuesday and Thursdays. Now onto the important things!

[info]badbeauty Deanna Winchester is a mean, lean, fighting machine. Well, she is a hunter and loves her baby sister Sammy, but she sometimes shows it in weird ways. Deanna is 21 and her life hasn't gone completely cray-cray yet, aka Sammy hasn't left for college or the like. At the moment they, with their mom, are one big happy hunter family. If you can't tell she is the girl version of Dean Winchester from Supernatural.

[info]cocoatits Ramola Lupin will eat your chocolate. She is 20, a werewolf, and is a member of some fancy Order. In her timeline no one she loves is dead yet, but they are starting to talk to her less. Boo having to recruit werewolves and spend less time with her family. She is kind of reserved and is gonna be really confused here. She is the girl version of Remus Lupin from Harry Potter.

Any and all plot is welcome. I have to get ready for my first class so I shall talk to you all later.




My name is Shiloh and I bring with me one Mr. Sam Wilson, Captain America. He's here from the funny pages to delight you and make you smile! Or to spread his socialist values and ensure whites become a minority in America. Also to fight snake people. NICE TO MEET YOU ALL.



Soooo, I decided to go to do the dark side. Literally. I have two SW charies. An AU luke Skywalker ([info]broughtbalance) Most of the info is in his journal, but basically he's less Skywalker, more Kenobi child. He also broke during the fight with emperor creepyface and Vader, and went to the dark side. So instead of helping the resistance, it left Leia, han and the other's as everyones only hope.

Secondly is my new favorite, that i've totally been tooling around with on a whim: R2-D2!He's post TFA. And while he looks adorable on the outside, be warned, he's a little sass machine and will judge you so hard. He's also lacking a filter, so don't expect him to coddle his opinion on things/people unless he likes you...and even then.



Wills NOT be on Aim for a couple of days, you can thank Captain Swan shippers, the ones treating me like an idiot. Just a head's up.



I've had some issues that I've been dealing with that killed my motivation for doing things and then I had a recent ER trip because I've been sick and when I was throwing up there have been streaks of blood in it. Doctor said it's from my esophagus and throat from the pressure of throwing up.

I'm slow but here and having issues with coming up with starter ideas. I would love to brainstorm if people want any of mine.





Heyoo I'm Ash and I bring you one character.

Beau Swan from Twilight Reimagined: Life and Death. Basically, it's an official AU by the author where everyone except Charlie, Renee, and Phil are the opposite gender.

Check the journal for details and hit me up via email if you wanna plot.



Hello all! Aimee here with her newest: Isla Rosier. She is Evan's little sister (from an alternate universe). Unlike her brother - Isla hasn't shut off her emotions, enjoys physical contact with others, and oh yeah doesn't want anything to do with the Dark Arts. She's seen the cost that comes with that. She is 16 years old, tends to just say what's on her mind to people in most situations and is going to be a bit of a mess at first because her brother has no clue who she is and none of the versions of her cousins that are here are her versions of them. She's also fluent in French (thanks Dad and summers at their house in France) so if you ever hear her talking French? She's probably none too happy about someone/something.

Anyway, her app is here if you want to go read it. She's going to be living at The Black House with Regulus(AU) (her guardian - THANK YOU MARISSA!), Sirius, and Echo. I suck at these things :( Who wants to volunteer to write my character intros in the future?



Hey all. Gin here with Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries and Klaus Mikaelson from The Originals.