


September 9th, 2016



No rain today.

I think it's time to have some fun!



Hey Bella​,​ I hope you don't mind me wearing your ​silk scarve​s​. You​'​r​e​ free to wear any of my clothing



Hey Wanad​a,​ have you seen my gun cleaner? I need to clean my gun.



​Hey roommate​,​ I have resto​ck​ the place with food and wine. All I ask is that you don​'​t drink the red wine.



To the people living in SUNNYDALE HOUSE.

Look I know that I was sent to stay in this house. But I just need to know what up with all the wood
we​a​pon'​s​ that are left laying around here.



Mr. Morningstar​,​ what kind of book is this? ​You left open on the coff​ie​ table. I haven't see​n​ that writing before