


July 4th, 2016



Happy Birthday, America! Hope everyone has a great day.

Riley wanted me to invite you and your friends to our BBQ and to watch the fireworks with us tonight.



It's the 4th people, where can this girl go to get her drink on? You know to celebrate America and all that.



This place is too loud. Too many thoughts. I can't keep them out.



Happy Fourth! What an awesome holiday. I just love the fireworks. Think there will be a good show here?



Even supervised, three is too young to play with sparklers, right? Josie and Lizzie are begging me. It's not going to happen.

What else can I do to make them happy and they keep all their fingers?



Filtered to shadowhunters and downworlders

We've been invited to a BBQ. I am going, you do what you want. Uh, if you plan on going with me to the BBQ let me know so I can tell Riley's parents.



What the hell's going on? Why is everyone shooting off signal flares?



Could someone please make the Fireworks stop? I hate the Fourth of July.