


May 25th, 2016



Thanks mate, I am not sure why you pulled me here, but this place beats hell.



The weather here is quite unfortunate it seems.



Can someone please tell me where I am? Gellert? We were in the middle of a huge fight......



It sounds awful at a time like this when everyone is rebuilding homes.... but Emma went back to Storybrooke. I miss her.



People keep showing up.... and none of them are Serena. At least Nate is here....

I am Blair Waldorf, and I am helping with the cleanup.



Laura and Cora

You both should know. More kids from Beacon Hills are here and some are staying with me.

Also, there is a girl. A werecoyote, her nae is Malia HaleTate. She is Peter's daughter, but is nothing like him.

She wants to meet you both



Happy Geek Pride Day



Does anyone have any good music suggestions?



Seriously, there are laws I am expected to follow? I just got community service, what is that?



It's been nice seeing everybody working together to clean the beach back up after the hurricane. I got to ask though - any of you seen a fedora down there? I lost mine.