


May 2nd, 2016



I do not even know what a hurricane is; I get it is bad by the way people are acting, but I do not know what to do to get ready. By the way it sounds some angered the old gods and the new.

I am also worried about my dragons, they are not eating without me there. I wish they would appear.



People are crazy wild out there. People taking carts; all the milk and bread is gone. I got the last batteries for my flashlight.

Giles I wish you consider spending this hurricane with me?



Happy birthday, Vic.

Is anyone else not able to go to sleep with the hurricane watch going on?



Interesting. All this caution thrown to the wind reminds me of good times.

Anyone know where I can get a good pack of cigarettes? Running low doesn't make me a happy wolf.



Vlad? We need to move Cait and everything to the main house. I don't want her out there alone.

Gwen Please come spend the storm with us. I want to be sure your safe

Anyone else need a place to stay.



I don't understand this storm that everyone is talking about.

I know rain is involved, but a hurricane?

What is that?




Mommy, are you here?



Thea, where are you staying during this storm?

Sara, are you alright?