


April 30th, 2016



We're under a hurricane watch. I've never been in a hurricane; I hear they can get pretty bad. I think it's interesting they know where the hurricane is going to hit.



do we need to do anything for a hurricane? i've never been in one.



[filtered to clary, lydia(au), and magnus]
Hurricane watch. Make sure you have enough supplies.

As much as it pains me I am thinking we might need a house for all of us- that seems to be something we can do. We will be safer together. And do any of you have jobs? I am thinking, sadly, that I should get one to save money for more weapons. Oh, and supplies to live, but mainly weapons.
[end filter]

Great. Florida weather. Just what I wanted.



All I can do is think about how much I fucking miss when I was a fucking little child, I didn't haven't to worry so much about this life. Nor did I really worry about making people proud. God, if my father was here, he'd tell me to get it together. Goddammit Harry, why aren't you here right now, thanks for being dead, but big thanks to Dexter for not being here and comforting me when I need it. Big thanks to this fuck hole place for stealing me from my apartment.

Oh and a hurricane, even better. The PD is on high alert, people would probably start looting if we weren't alert.

I feel so fucking numb....