


March 5th, 2016



So I am wondering how some people could be so stupid.......



What am I supposed to do if I lose Lana? She's my entire life. I keep making her angry enough she has to shoot me.

Bullet wounds, they suck.



Private to Quinn Fabray

You're here now? Really?



I think I got an after school job!



its not that i cant live in the huose by myself got used to livin alon at camp i just got used to annabeth being here

at least mrs o'leary is still here



I don't know who's idea of a bloody joke this is and I don't care. Right now I'm supposed to be with my roommate forgetting that it's my damn birthday on a pub crawl to celebrate the end of term. Not in Florida.

I thought I was done with this shite when I left the wizard world.



One good thing about growing up on the Ark - I never really got in the habit of having a lot of stuff so it doesn't take me long to move and get settled in a new place.


I know I've been kind of quiet lately. Sorry about that. I needed some time to think about everything. Can we talk?


Hey. Just wanted to let you know if you wanted to hang out or anything - I moved. The woman I was living with is gone so I'm staying with these other people. [Address]