


April 12th, 2015



Before coming here, the only demons and vampires I heard of were in stories-mostly bad romances-and lore. After barely escaping one, I'm more than convinced they are real. I stabbed it with a knife.



This world is definitely unusual. I was just thinking how I wish I had certain things from home and... they appeared in my room. Including my horse.

After yesterday's battle, I believe I could use a small demonstration of your healing abilities.

It seems as though you've become a keeper of lists and lore here. I believe you and I should talk more and perhaps work on a compendium of magic, creatures and other things we will probably need. Others too.

I hope you don't mind me being so forward, but I believe you could be of some help to myself and my group. I noticed you've been tending some plants. I thought perhaps you could help tend some from my world as well. In my world, they're used to create powerful healing potions. As your plants seem to be doing quiet well, you're an obvious choice for entrusting them to.

With this influx of recruits and the multiple swarms, I think we need to come up with new strategies.



OK. Dear weirdo thingy that's pulling us all in. Thanks for giving me a birthday gift from home. Although..."gift" is debatable. Still has his blood... But I really could've used my beautiful Geraldine during the demon attack.

Happy damn birthday to me.

Unless Hawke or a patron stops me, I'm still planning on playing ridiculous music at the Hanged Man tonight and drinking. A lot.

Anyone not dead should come join me. A girl drinking alone on her birthday? Now that's just pathetic.



What more can be done to stop these attacks? I saw many fall to these creatures. Are they abundant? From where do they come?

[A Call to the Elves]

My time here is new in this land, but between us, we are long known. What we face yet, I do not know, but it will be in unity. I call upon you all to better understand what this world presents us and what we may bring forth from our place within it.

By my father's blood and by his honor, I vow that we will find protection here. Nay, beyond so, we will flourish as long as we might need live amongst these people.

What can you offer this cause? What do you offer your people? I call you to council.