Age of Miracles

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Age of Miracles


October 6th, 2008

Thread: Wolverine & Mystique

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Who: Logan & Mystique
When: Late evening, Sunday, October 5
Where: Catskill Park (near The Lair)
What: Logan is out and wandering in the wilderness. As usual.

feeling guilty meant he gave a damn )

August 24th, 2008

Thread: Wolverine & Storm

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Who: Logan & Ororo Munroe
When: Sunday, August 24, 2008
Where: The foyer / main staircase
What: Logan FINALLY comes back from his little road trip after Ororo returned early.

He needed a shower, he needed to wash all this off. )

June 14th, 2008

thread: Ororo and Logan

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Who: Ororo and Logan
Where: 'Ro's room
When: Saturday morningish (June 14th)
What: Another morning after. But Ororo's now up and trying to get stuff done. I have no idea where it'll go.

The end of the term wasn't only good for the students. )

May 26th, 2008

Log: Wolverine & Cyclops

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Who: Logan & Scott Summers
When: Monday, May 26, 2008
Where: The garage, then the open road
What: Scott's under a lot of stress, and the lack of sleep is starting to make him a little crazy. He's on the verge of a nervous breakdown and ends up taking Logan on an almost-deadly drive.

You drove me all the way out here for a fucking metaphor? )

May 24th, 2008

Thread: Wolverine & Storm

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Who: Ororo Munroe & Logan
When: Morning, Sunday, May 25 ... hours before the happy barbecue
Where: Ororo's room
What: Logan spent the night in Ororo's bed and he's actually there in the morning. Surprised?

He didn't think she'd be such a wildcat in the sack, but then again, when 'Ro had a job to do she didn't halfass it. )

May 12th, 2008

Log: Logan & Kim

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Who: Logan & Kim Lincoln
When: Afternoon, May 12, 2008
Where: Logan's room
What: Kim got a love letter from someone signed "W" -- she thinks it's Wolverine.

It wasn't me. )

May 7th, 2008

thread: Wolverine and Morph

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Who: Logan and Kevin
Where: Xavier's, the dock on the lake, where the wedding was
When: Wed. 7th, late afternoon
What: Morph was grounded for a while because of the whole leaving without telling people thing. Part of the punishment was doing chores with Logan. And so, ta da.

Morph was taking his punishment in stride. )

May 2nd, 2008

Thread: MJ & Pete's Reception

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Who: Everyone attending Peter and MJ's wedding!
When: Thursday afternoon, from 2:30 onward
Where: Xavier school, out by the lake and boathouse.. oh, and there's a gazebo, too. Because we now say so.
What: Krim and I might actually write the ceremony bit at a different point, but here's the open thread for the reception! Lots of people will be there, some people are probably going to get thrown into the lake... you know how it goes.

That was it? )

April 30th, 2008

Thread: Armor and Wolverine

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Who: Logan and Hisako Ichiki
When: April 30th, afternoon
Where: The woods, not too far from the school
What: Of course, the middle of nowhere is exactly where you'd expect to bump into your teacher.

Then she could go back to punching things through walls. )

April 14th, 2008

Bulletin Board!

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Who: Anyone at the school!
Where: Academy Hall, Xavier's School
What: The mass bulletin board at the school -- please feel free to post whatever your character might want to put up there. Announcements, requests, anything..! You can write something, you can make a poster in photoshop, anything you want. :D


Hank was back at the school and therefore working overtime as usual. He needed work, he thrived on work, and today, work included taking his break time and going to the bulletin board in Academy Hall that posted all announcements. All of this world crisis and no one had thought to organize the board. It was wildly, disgustingly outdated, and Hank spent the next twenty minutes removing posters, cards, notes, and doodles from the cork.

When he was finished, there was a massive expanse of bulletin board that was largely bare apart from the class schedule, a notice about finals, and a little note about Peter and Mary Jane's wedding. In the corner was a neat little cluster of multicolored pushpins.

It was ready for fresh material, and Hank left it alone to be tampered with.

Thread: Strip Poker!

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Who: Aubrey Ryan, Logan, Remy Lebeau, Mark Gibson, Bobby Drake
When: Backdated to Saturday night!
Where: Third floor rec room, Xavier's School
What: So, the kids who wanted to play got to play for a little while, but they got kicked out because they're students and they're underage and the grownups want to drink. :P To save time and sanity, this is late in the evening after the remaining hardcore grownups have been playing poker and drinking for a WHILE... and it's less about playing more about... the other stuff. I'm setting this late in the night just because I think the best stuff would happen later in the evening instead of actually playing out the card game, so we're left with the five hardcore players ... and then if anyone else wants to stop in, they can :) Oh, did I mention they've resorted to strip poker?

Five-card stud? Try five-stud cards. )

March 30th, 2008

Thread: Wolverine, Storm... & Cyclops

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Who: Logan & Ororo Munroe (.. & Scott "The Cockblock" Summers)
When: Sunday, March 30, 2008 (late afternoon)
Where: Out at the lake, Xavier's School
What: The weather's starting to get warmer, so Logan takes advantage of his alone-on-the-grounds time in order to take a dip in the lake. Naked. Anyone want a piece? Turns out Ororo wants a piece.

What're your students gonna say when they catch you in here with me, huh? I'll have you know they all think you've got a stick shoved farther up your ass than Cyclops does. )

March 21st, 2008

Thread: The Search for Kurt Wagner

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Who: Logan, Tommy Kerri, Aubrey Ryan, Paige Guthrie, Hisako Ichiki, Sofia Mantega, Julian Keller, and Kimberly Lincoln... and Kurt Wagner, eventually
When: Friday, March 21, 2008
Where: Seattle, Washington
What: Kurt Wagner is still missing, and Tommy's drawing of him implies that he's either dead or very, very injured. Cerebro (assuming that Betsy and/or Emma managed to use it) suggests he's not dead and provides a decent idea as to location (can Rory or Corri let me know if this might have happened? :D). So, Logan takes Tommy, Aubrey, and a group of the juniors out to Seattle in order to search for him.
Notes: Seattle is pretty much contained by now but there are still a) the occasional Brotherhood members, and b) police officers and civilians who are looking to harm mutants as revenge for Magneto's rule, and c) other police officers who don't want these unauthorized people wandering around the wreckage. So, NPCs for that purpose = always welcome. I'm trying to structure this mission so that each person's specific powers will need to be utilized... so hopefully we'll achieve that!

Logan wasn't sure when he'd gone from lone wanderer to the leader of a rescue squad. )

March 18th, 2008

Thread: Professor X, Wolverine, & Thor

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Who: Charles Xavier, Logan, and Donald Blake
When: Backdated to late Sunday night/early Monday morning, March 16/17, 2008
Where: An undamaged section of the White House, Washington D.C.
What: Charles has defeated Magneto, but he's been badly hurt in the process----oh, and his wheelchair was destroyed. A paraplegic without his wheelchair might be in need of some assistance.

He just knew he didn't have the strength to move any further. )

March 14th, 2008


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Who: The X-Men, the Brotherhood, and NPCs for all sides
When: Early morning Saturday, March 15 and moving into March 16, 2008 -- this battle will last at least two actual days, maybe longer, which will account for any "frozen" time if the thread stalls the rest of the game----this is a battle of such importance that it would make no sense if it only lasted one day.
Where: Washington, D.C.
What: The battle for governmental power in America begins! For the detailed battle plan, please see the OOC post about it. Characters not on the list who choose to show up can show up... whatever :) but the plan is there to keep people's heads from exploding.

Read more... )

March 9th, 2008

Thread: Wolverine and Armor

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Who: Logan and Hisako Ichiki
When: Sunday March 9, afternoon
Where: The Gym
What: Logan gets a new little girl to look after. You'd be thrilled, too.

Time to get to work. )

March 7th, 2008

Log: Tommy and Logan

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Who; Tommy and Logan
When; March 7th, afternoon
Where; The hallway on the second floor
What; Logan runs into Tommy -- and notices her drawings are more than just some scribbles. And one of them is of him half naked, so of COURSE he wants to see what's up.

Word has it 'round here you've got good aim with a semi-automatic and an arsenal in your bedroom. )

February 20th, 2008

Log: Pyro, Rogue, and Wolverine

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Who: Marie Allerdyce, Logan, and a cameo by a very disgruntled John Allerdyce
When: February 18, 2008
Where: the boys’ wing of the school
What: Contrary to the suggestiveness of the cut tag, there’s really nothing but his own paranoia here to make John disgruntled. But Rogue and Logan have another… I don’t even know what to call it. It’s not an argument, but it’s not nice conversation. And then John shows up and is all PMSy.

You want it like that? You want it harder? )

February 18th, 2008

Thread: White Queen, Wolverine, Junior X-Men

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Who: Emma Frost, Logan, and OT the Junior X-Men Advanced Powers Training (Vanessa Carlysle, Sarena Alexander, Kevin Sydney, Julian Keller, Sofia Montega, Thomas Shepherd, Elyvran, and anyone else)
When: Afternoon, February 19
Where: The Danger Room
What: Restless students lead to poor judgment. Emma has already split them into squads and informed them of their training schedules. Now it's time for a friendly game of capture the flag. . . with an added Wolverine bonus. Just for kicks. (If you don't want to join the thread, your character does not have to. If you're not listed above and want to play, go for it.)

It was going to be a long afternoon. )

February 11th, 2008

Log: Rogue and Wolverine

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Who: Marie Allerdyce and Logan
When: February 11, 2008
Where: Medlab; Xavier’s school
What: After rescuing Bobby, John and Rogue, Logan brings them back to Xavier’s to get patched up. And then Logan watches Rogue sleep… expect not as creepy as Clay Aiken’s song Invisible… And then they have a conversation that doesn’t go well. Oops.

I'm surprised you didn't wake up when Pyro was howling as Hank popped his shoulder back in. )

February 10th, 2008

Log: Iceman, Pyro, Rogue, and Wolverine

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Who: John Allerdyce, Marie Allerdyce, Bobby Drake, and Logan
When: February 10/11th, 2008; late, late evening/early, early morning
Where: the FOH’s torture chamber thing
What: Logan to the rescue! Because that’s what he does. He rescues people.

That was, of course, until a sudden pain hit him in the shoulder, he tripped over a tree root, and he fell flat on his face. )

February 1st, 2008

Thread : Recovering the Lost

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Who: Bennet, Remy, and OPEN.
Where: Xavier's school - Roof (and eventually elsewhere)
When: Feb 2, 2008 - early morning. (forward dated a couple hours)
What: Exodus was warned about Mirror by Remy. Mirror is now missing and in the clutches of Sinister. Since Exodus can't defeat Sinister in a fight, he directs his rage toward the cajun that he believes delivered her to Sinister.

The night's wind blowed steadily, pushing clouds over the large moon overhead. Exodus glided the winds, the tails of his battle coat, the one crafted for him by Mirror, billowing outward like twin leather wings. His powers carried him effortlessly, his mind and his eyes scanning the land below for his quarry. Psionic shields were in place, for within Xavier's below rested two telepaths who could hinder his plan. He did not want to anger either of them, though he could see no other way. He had to speak to the one codenamed Gambit. Only he, in Exodus' mind, knew Mirror's secret location. It was a break in logic. Nevermind the fact that Sinister would have certainly moved her to a different location. Nevermind that he wouldn't reveal that information, even to his subordinates. There was futility in Exodus' plan, and it tore at the sides and back of his mind like so many sharp needles. His subconsious thought was simple enough. He couldn't hurt Sinister, so hopefully he could hurt Remy in his place. It was part of his grand scheme to dismantle Sinister's work. Whether or not the cajun was actually involved with Sinister, or sincerely concerned for Mirror made no difference. There was little of Bennet's rational mind within the action. There was only Exodus for the time, and Gambit had been judged and found wanting. He turned Mirror over to Sinister, in Exodus' mind, whether true or not, and he was found undeserving the kingdom of Avalon... he deserved only pain, and Exodus intended to deliver, if he could not be useful.

Scanning below, he caught the briefest flash of a lighter and a wisp of smoke trailing upward. He hovered a bit lower. Black Box had provided the visuals that he needed, and the man smoking confirmed them. It was the man he had spoken with during his stay at Xavier's, however brief. Such was the way the world worked sometimes.

January 31st, 2008

Thread: Spider-Man, Cyclops, Wolverine and Beast

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Who; Peter Parker, Scott Summers, Logan, and Hank McCoy
When; January 31st, early afternoon
Where; On the grounds
What; Scott orders a practice for the two members of his squad that will actually show up, but Peter's not actually supposed to be there. Because Hank says so. And somewhere in here, Logan should get stabbed. You'll see.

Today, Scott was just watching. He was doing it to everyone, actually, pitting them against each other and seeing how they reacted. It was good for the team to know each other's strengths and weaknesses, and just watching them instead of worrying about himself, Scott picked up a few nuances in their behavior that he wouldn't have otherwise noticed. So he was sitting in a chair with his notepad while Peter and Logan duked it out -- they should have had Bobby there, but they couldn't find him. Practice was early today; Scott had every intention of heading out with Logan afterward to go looking again.

If nothing else, Spider-Man seemed to be having a grand old time with Wolverine, even if the lack of real height was slowing him down. Wolverine worked best on land; Spider-Man didn't, and there weren't as many trees as he would have liked, which meant he was kind of on the losing end. Still talking like he was winning, but Peter was running more than he was attacking.

Spider-Man dodged a blow, slinking around faster than Wolverine could twist around. "Missed me!"

January 30th, 2008

thread: Wolverine and Storm

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Who: Logan and Ororo Munroe
Where: um, I'll say the site where Bobby's locater was found
When: morning, Jan 30th
What: Logan and 'Ro try to do some groundwork and see where Bobby went. I have no idea if they'll find anything.

Ororo was worried. )

January 27th, 2008

The end truly begins

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Who: NPCS Carol Danvers, Harpoon, and Riptide OT The School
When: Mid-morning Jan 27th
Where: The Institute
What: The clones come to finish their unfinished business with certain people.

So the end truly begins )

January 21st, 2008

Log: Wolverine and Storm

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Who: Ororo Munroe and Logan
When: Backdated to afternoon, Saturday, January 19
Where: By the boathouse, Xavier's School
What: Logan and Ororo bitch at one another about the Magneto situation.

Seems like a stupid move on Magneto's part. )

December 25th, 2007

thread; beast, bruiser, wolverine

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Who: Hank McCoy, Logan, Molly Hayes
When: Dec 25th; 9PM
Where: Mansion
What: Molly drags Logan down to see Hank and show off the hat she got him as per JP's request.

When JP had mentioned that Logan in her hat would make Hank feel better, considering his attack, she felt it was more than just a great idea. It was an awesome idea. The girl must have had some sort of crazy Wolverine-Radar going on, because she somehow managed to pop up wherever it was that he was hiding and grabbed a hold of him. Despite his gruff exterior, she totally knew he was a softie. Sure, he could kick some serious butt when it came down to butt needing kicking, but hello! He totally loved her. He totally did and they were getting married one day.

Not that she ever told him that to his face.

Although the mysterious mistletoe incident earlier in the day of which she so innocent lured him under? That could've been a major hint.

He was probably checking everywhere to make sure that she wasn't going to do it again. She'd had a rather smug expression on her face ever since; devious little thing that she was. If only Tommy knew the zaniness he inspired, with his plans for Kate. "I'm glad you like the ears. It was really hard getting it in your size." Considering the design was usually used for children, it really was. She'd made Tommy drag her all over.
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