Age of Miracles

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Age of Miracles


March 18th, 2008

Thread: Professor X, Wolverine, & Thor

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Who: Charles Xavier, Logan, and Donald Blake
When: Backdated to late Sunday night/early Monday morning, March 16/17, 2008
Where: An undamaged section of the White House, Washington D.C.
What: Charles has defeated Magneto, but he's been badly hurt in the process----oh, and his wheelchair was destroyed. A paraplegic without his wheelchair might be in need of some assistance.

He just knew he didn't have the strength to move any further. )

February 11th, 2008

Thread: Professor X & Thor

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Who: Professor Charles Xavier and Commander Donald Blake
When: Monday, February 11, 2008
Where: Thor's room, Quarters, Xavier's School
What: Xavier has been thinking and he really needs Blake's assistance now or else no one will ever get anywhere.

Read more... )

December 19th, 2007

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Who: Donald Blake and Charles Xavier.
What: Donald doesn’t think Charles is doing very much, and is beginning to suspect why. He is going to get angry with the old wheelie, but...well, it doesn’t go to plan. Because, obviously, Charles is far more prepared than Thor realises.
Where: Xavier’s office, the Institute.
When: December 15th, 2007. Some time in the morning. I'm backdating it a little, because it DID happen at some point in the recent past, but I think it was supposed to take place AGES ago, and I just suck like a whore with debts.

If he had it his way, the old man would be locked away in a cupboard until it was over )
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