Age of Miracles

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Age of Miracles


April 10th, 2008

thread: Freakshow and Threnody

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Who: Spencer and Melody
Where: LA...somewhere. It's a big city that I don't know. Some park.
When: afternoon the 10th
What: The dynamic duo have a lot of questions, and very few places to start.

Spencer was beginning to regret leaving LA. )

March 14th, 2008


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Who: The X-Men, the Brotherhood, and NPCs for all sides
When: Early morning Saturday, March 15 and moving into March 16, 2008 -- this battle will last at least two actual days, maybe longer, which will account for any "frozen" time if the thread stalls the rest of the game----this is a battle of such importance that it would make no sense if it only lasted one day.
Where: Washington, D.C.
What: The battle for governmental power in America begins! For the detailed battle plan, please see the OOC post about it. Characters not on the list who choose to show up can show up... whatever :) but the plan is there to keep people's heads from exploding.

Read more... )

January 23rd, 2008

Log: Wicked and Threnody

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Who: Gwen Adamson and Melody Jacobs
When: January 23, 2008
Where: Kitchen; The Lair
What: So two necromancers walk in to a kitchen...

You think people want your nasty-assed freak self walking around pretending to be the real Wicked? I don’t think so. )

January 8th, 2008

Thread: Threnody and Open

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Who: Melody Jacobs and Open
When: January 8, 2008
Where: Manhattan
What: Melody’s convinced that the Lair needs a spirit cleansing and heads into the City for some new age supplies she needs to do it. Which, of course, since things are still slightly crazy, results in her having to break into the store she goes to.

The Lair was one big death hunter’s paradise. )
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