Age of Miracles

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Age of Miracles


May 20th, 2008

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Who: Vic & Russ
When: Evening
Where: Their Apartment
What: Vic would like to have a little chat about work, stripping, and being super heroes.

We need to talk... )

May 2nd, 2008

Thread: MJ & Pete's Reception

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Who: Everyone attending Peter and MJ's wedding!
When: Thursday afternoon, from 2:30 onward
Where: Xavier school, out by the lake and boathouse.. oh, and there's a gazebo, too. Because we now say so.
What: Krim and I might actually write the ceremony bit at a different point, but here's the open thread for the reception! Lots of people will be there, some people are probably going to get thrown into the lake... you know how it goes.

That was it? )

April 30th, 2008

Thread: The Black Cat, Anole, Shatterstar, and Scorpion

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Who: Felicia Hardy, Victor Berkowski, Benjamin Russell, and Carmilla Black
When: April 29th, evening
Where: Felicia's loft, NYC
What: Felicia is supposed to be entertaining house guests. After she gets the couch off the ceiling, maybe that will happen. Both she and Carm will definitely need a drink afterwards.

At least we got the blender down )

April 19th, 2008

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Who: Vic & Russ
When: Late evening, after Russ' shift at the Magic Touch
Where: Russ' Apartment
What: Vic comes back to his boyfriend after an unforeseen disappearance

Remember Me? )

April 2nd, 2008

Narrative (or open if anyone knows where Russ' apartment is and wants to stop by)

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Who: Benjamin Russell - Narrative or possibly open to those that know where Russ lives.
Where: His apartment.
When: Wednesday, April 02
What: Russ is loading up clothes for Bobby, when a particular item makes him think about the past, and what he might do in the future.

He had already loaded the bag with a few shirts )
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