Jun. 8th, 2014


Seeing and Hearing Things

Who: Edison and Kennedy
Where: The Hotel (her room)
When: Morning

Edison woke up back in his bed. That was the best part. It wasn’t really his bed, but after the medieval times? The bed was a god send. For the first few minutes after waking he didn’t move. The bed was comfortable, a step above sleeping on the floor like he had be. Nothing was trying to attack him. It was calm almost. At least until the screaming started. It was distant, but he could hear it. Someone was screaming. He sat up, looking around the hotel room that looked exactly like it had when he left it. There was nothing out of order, nothing that said someone should be screaming, but he felt like he needed to look into it. Sure, he’d seen enough horror films to know that he shouldn’t, but it wasn’t stopping and the pull was too much to ignore. He changed quickly, dragging his fingers through his hair and heading into the hallway to see if the screaming was there too.

Kennedy's morning started out okay. She seemed to have slept well, and the second she realized she was back in the hotel, she showered. She still looked like shit from the animal attacks and all that, but a shower was glorious. Or, it was right up until her vision sparked and she saw blood running down the walls of the stall. She jolted and stumbled back, losing her footing. She dumped herself out of the shower entirely, landing on her ass in the bathroom. Blinking, she stared, but...yeah, no blood. Just a shower. She squeezed her eyes shut, wondered if maybe she was cracking up, then wrote it off as stupidity on her part. She got back in the shower and quickly finished up. She got herself ready for the day – which in this case included a pj outfit, because after the last few days 'lazy' was the way to go.

Walking out into the hall, she screamed, seeing blood everywhere. The floor was soaked, the walls were splattered, drips even fell from the light fixtures above her head and she quickly reached up to wipe her cheek, where she swore she even felt it drip onto her face.

maybe it's a psychotic break )

May. 10th, 2014


not a great morning

Who: Adam and Kennedy
Where: near the tournament grounds
When: morning

The night, while it had initially been okay, turned out to suck hard, sweaty donkey balls. She had wound up being attacked by various animals, though the worst was the fox. It was bigger than the other ones, and shit its bite hurt. The second most awful was the bird, she didn’t know what kind it was, but she had scratches all over her face and peck wounds on her scalp hidden by her hair. She knew she was lucky she kept her eyes.

So, she was having a shit day. And fuckers were continuing the damn tournament. Normally she had a real hard time giving a shit about much of anything, but seeing that she certainly wasn’t the only one who had a shit night...it was dumb. People were bandaged up while trying to wear fancy clothes, and what the shit. She was seated a ways away from the action, glaring daggers at the tournament while she considered making an attempt to shut it down.

Adam had spent the night in the blacksmith’s forge with Kyle and a few others he’d managed to grab and drag back into the forge with him. There were enough of them that Kyle had decided to spend what part of the night people were sleeping on the other side of the place from him which had left both of them anxious. By the time it was morning and things were calmer, he was working through their trampled tent and pulling what was functioning out, trying to get their money together to see if he could get what he needed to fix the tent.

It was a shock that the tournament was still going on, that vendors were trying to make do with trampled and damaged stalls. He was wandering through them until he slowed, seeing a familiar figure. Heading her way he frowned. “You okay? That’s one hell of a look.”
whatever )

May. 4th, 2014


The Set Up

Who: Justin, Chase, then Kennedy
Where: the banquet
When: evening

As much as Chase really didn't want to push Justin's attention somewhere else, he'd promised Kyle and it was matter of love versus a crush that was clearly going nowhere and even less places considering Chase wasn't usually the type to act on a crush. So when Justin seemed to have a break in his banquet action he found a space next to him with a smile, refilling his wine glass. "You looked great out there today. And definitely caught the attention of more than one lady."

Give it a Shot )

Apr. 18th, 2014


ponder things

Who: Edison and Kennedy
Where: near the tournament grounds
When: afternoon

Edison was doing his best to both keep Harlow and her violent attitude under control and ready for whatever lay ahead and keep an eye out for Bianca at the same time. He hated that the redhead had just left his side without thinking about the consequences, but there was little he could do about it. She was determined to think he was talking down to her, which was unfair considering that had been all she’d done to him and it hadn’t been his intention in the first place. He’d gotten Harlow settled with her gear and pushed towards the holding area to prep for the competition and he found himself a seat in the crowd, close enough to be of service to her if she needed him, but also well out of the fray of things.

Despite the craziness of the situation, he’d spent plenty of time the day before and this morning listening in on rumors, asking questions here and there, and taking in a good deal of information about the area they were in and the tournament itself. He was lost in his own mind at the moment, turning over the pieces for clues as to why they were there in the first place, but so far nothing was coming to him.

Kennedy was relaxing. She was off to the side of the tournament block, lying on the ground as she basked in the sun for a bit. Her head was cradled by her arms, and she was hoping no stray horses or people stepped on her. But if they did, she probably wouldn't actually care that much. Mostly, she was blanking out, just being there-but-not.
like, Fate or no? )

Mar. 31st, 2014


Is that allowed?

Who: Adam and Kennedy
Where: The banquet
When: evening

Adam was still fighting to keep the grin off his face, tugging at his hair to try and get it under control, but in general he just seemed happy with himself. Though who could blame him? He had a boyfriend. An actual, real live, boyfriend. The Kind that wanted to be with him. It was ridiculous. That was ignoring everything else as well, the sex, the attention, that sort of deep connected feeling that only came with a significant other. All of that was halfway to plastered across his face as he snuck back into the party, trying to seem like he’d been the there whole time.

how do you feel? )

Mar. 16th, 2014


slap fight with words

who: kennedy and kyle
where: the party
when: night

Kennedy had been wandering around the party, sort of doing her own thing. She'd been talking to people here and there, messing with a few heads, all that noise. She'd spotted Adam, and had been going to talk to him, but while she'd seen him, she noticed someone else paying pretty close attention to him. So, she scoped that out for a while, and yeppers, that guy was totally watching Adam like a crazy stalker. Or like, a lovesick puppy, or something. Whatever. Either way, she sidled up beside him, watching Adam too. “Might wanna watch that gaze, guy. In this day and age, they were pretty fucked up when it came to shit like that.”

Kyle looked at the woman, who was now standing next to him, sideways. He figured from the way she talked that she was someone from the hotel, but she wasn’t someone he had seen before. That alone made him a little cautious. “I work for him,” he said, short and sweet and to the point. “Making sure he has everything he needs is kinda my job for the night.”

“Uh huh,” Kennedy said flatly. “You go with that,” she said with a nod. “And your name is...?” she asked, since Adam had been talking about some dude, so she wanted to see if this dude was the same dude or if there was someone else out there who wanted to eye bang Adam a bunch. Or something. Really, maybe this guy hadn't been eye banging him but wasn't it a fine line? It was.
Jealousy! Possessiveness! Deliberate Baiting! )

Feb. 17th, 2014


Improv, Live at the Regent

Who: Bianca and Kennedy
When: Afternoon into Early Evening
Where: First floor alcove of sorts

Bianca had passed the freak in the lobby making a huge ass mess with the cushions from the couches, tossing her a look that said that was exactly what she was thinking of the girl. To which the kitten-eared fool had giggled. Maybe the alcohol had her face not behaving properly. Maybe there was no bite to her bitch. That made all the more reason for her to have listened to Mickey and not had more to drink. She ditched the bottle on a table with a vase full of cut flowers and headed onward. She wasn’t sure where she was going but she ended up in some strange little alcove that seemed off the beaten track. There was an arrangement of furniture that looked like it had once been a smoker’s corner or something. One could also probably use it to play cards as there was a round table in the center of the plush chairs and loveseats.

“How cozy,” she deadpanned and dropped down onto a loveseat. She just needed to close her eyes for a moment and she sure as hell wasn’t going back to that nasty room she’d woke up in. Especially not when she herself had randomly walked into a stranger’s room. She didn’t need any strangers walking into her room while she slept. That she was pulling her legs up beneath her and falling asleep in public and that there was pure and utter irony to that? Well it didn’t cross her mind and soon she was snoring softly, out for over an hour at the very least.

After wandering aimlessly in the basement trying to find her way out of the goddamn labyrinth that was down there, she eventually was back up into the hotel. She had opted to wander around, and had gone back up to the top floor to release the elevator from where she'd stuck it, not planning on a second jump down the elevator shaft today. After a while, she found herself coming upon a little area that was set up like a lounge, or something, and some chick sleeping on one of the chairs. So, Kennedy did what she did best. Improvised.

Feb. 16th, 2014


Won't Let You Be Boring

Who: Adam and Kennedy
Where: Around the hotel
When: afternoon

Kennedy had been wandering around, but that got old fast and she was bored. She tried to leave a few times, but only wound up spit out somewhere else in the hotel, and sadly, nowhere all that fascinating. She'd found the courtyard, however, and was sitting on one of the benches, painting her toenails bright red.

Adam had gone through an entire game of Magic with Norman and he was pretty sure he still didn’t understand it any, but he did try. After a while he managed to get away, but still had too many hours before he was supposed to meet Kyle, which led him back to the lobby, wandering around until he found a door he hadn’t tried and wound up in the courtyard. It was overwhelming at first, the roses, the overgrown feeling of it, like something out of a movie or a book, and he didn’t even notice the other person there as he walked around, one hand rubbing the back of his neck while he looked up, taking in all of it.

tell me you're joking )

Jan. 14th, 2014


You Can Explore In Dreams Right?

Who: Edison and OPEN
Where: around the hotel
When: morning

The dream was kind of awesome and yet complicated. A therapist once had told him he had them because of how his mind worked, that it was said that people of a certain level of intelligence could actually solve problems in their dreams. Edison was well into a complicated theorem, not at all struggling with it despite it being math and math not having been a pursuit of his since his last foray into religious numbers, working through it on a blackboard that looked like a scene in Good Will Hunting, right up until the part where he fell off the bed, head first waking up to find his feet up above him, still on the bed and himself tangled in sheets.

Why was he in bed? Wasn’t he supposed to be at work? Didn’t he start at work? Struggling to get out of his cocoon of sheets he wound up completely on the floor, looking at his clothes. Nope, definitely dressed for work and the chilly library for the night. After a moment he looked around, not recognizing the room that looked more like a dream than his dream had. Where was he? Standing up he stumbled around, finding a bag that he swore was his, from right out of his apartment. This wasn’t right. Seeing a note on the dresser he snatched it, reading it three times and checking the back for more information. What the hell? Not sure what else to do he opened the bag, finding his things inside. Maybe it was a dream. Maybe not. Either way, it was worth exploring. If it was a dream there had to be a point right? Still holding on to the note he found a key laying out as well and left his room, intent on seeing what he could find.