Jun. 12th, 2014


Foolish Missions in Horrid Places

Who: Finn and Norman
Where: Norman's Room
When: late morning

Norman was scared. Maybe scared was an understatement. Maybe crazy was the real word. He had his hands clutching the inside of his blue cloak to his chest as he walked, maybe with more purpose than before, through the halls of the hotel. He didn’t know where he needed to go, but he knew he needed to get away from these terrible footsteps. Every time he turned around they stopped, but as soon as he started walking again so did those other footsteps. And he was scared. Really scared. Hurrying more, he turned a corner quicker and more hastily than he would normally have in effort to find somewhere safe and without these footsteps.

the knight out of place )

Mar. 31st, 2014


We're all in this together

Who: Finn and Norman
When: Before the banquet
Where: Finn's tents

For the win! )

Feb. 16th, 2014



Who: Chase and Norman
Where: The ballroom
When: late afternoon

Chase had no idea where he was. it was lovely wherever it was, but it was not where he’d gone to sleep. He was amused at how damn elegant the whole hotel was, and he’d wandered around it for a while, taking it all in, perfectly put together and feeling like he could belong in a place like this. Just so long as Antonio didn’t get his eyes on it. Then it would be some awful throwback porn set. But Chase pushed that out of his mind, wandering through the ball room, taking in the chandeliers and the sloping ceilings.

and why are you wearing a cape )

Feb. 13th, 2014


Captain Jay and Normal Norman

Who: Justin and Norman
When: Late morning/early afternoon
Where: Hallways then the bar

Play Magic the Gathering. )

Feb. 2nd, 2014


What is this sorcery?

Who: Norman and Adam
When: Late morning
Where: Lobby area

Must explore. )