January 12th, 2014

[info]adamsammy in [info]_fracture_

Chapter One - Day 1


The Regent Hotel is bustling with activity with brand new occupants, ready to explore her wonders.

Each occupant awakes in their new room and for some it’s definitely not where they went to sleep. All aspects of the hotel are open to visitors and they are free to explore their new surroundings as they wish, as well as meet their new ‘neighbors’.

In every room is a note, typed out neatly on the formal stationery of the hotel that says the following:

Welcome to the Regent Hotel!

We do hope you have a pleasant stay and want to reassure you that our staff is here to meet any of your needs that are deemed worthy of attention. As you will be staying with us for a little while, we suggest you make yourself familiar with the grounds and your fellow guests. You’ll need their help in the future.

The Regent Staff

Each guest has their own room and key to it and while all the rooms are different with slightly different furniture, each one looks like a hotel room out of the 50s. Some rooms have more ornate furniture, with a poster bed and a vanity, while others would have sleeker lines and purely functional furniture. The color schemes in rooms vary as well, as if someone was getting creative with the decor or couldn’t decide on a single theme. Rooms do not include communal items such as exercise machines, kitchenry, etc, as these will be found within the public rooms of the hotel.

Don’t forget:
- Phones, emails, carrier pigeons and other forms of contact with the outside world don’t work!
- Phone calls made out ring incessantly without any connection.
- Exits to the hotel won’t lead out, just to another random part of the hotel - including private rooms of other occupants.

[info]adamsammy in [info]_fracture_

The Artist Meets Diner Guy

Who: Adam and Kyle
Where: A diner in NYC
When: flashback - six months ago, evening

Adam’s boss reminded him that he shouldn’t be hungover when he showed up for his shift that started at five, but in his defense, he was still coming down off his last high and hungover from the night before. It didn’t help that it was a slow night at the diner, very few customers and just too long of Adam leaning on the counter, sipping on coffee to stay awake and ease the headache that after the sun had gone down had started to ease. He had a plate of fries too, nibbling at them idly as he watched the door, hoping someone would show up so he could do more than keep filling the cup of coffee that the guy in the corner booth had ordered and would likely give him a few cents tip for. You would think that it was freezing outside, when in reality it wasn’t a bad night, warm enough for Adam to be in just a t-shirt that he realized after he’d gotten to work wasn’t his and was a tiny bit too tight, and didn’t quite reach the top of his jeans.

a chance encounter )

[info]wingsofillusion in [info]_fracture_

Ink Design

Who: Adam and Kyle
Where: A diner in NYC
When: flashback - 5 months ago, night

The next time Kyle walked into the diner when Adam was working, he was soaked to the skin. It was dark, cold and very definitely raining. Kyle had been wandering the streets for a couple of hours regardless. Harry had told him to make himself scarce, which meant that he couldn't go home. So, he'd wandered for a while, until the rain became too heavy.

The diner was just as dead. The weather had kept people at home which meant Adam was bored out of his mind. It was warm in the diner though, bright lights and grill keeping it that way. Adam was mopping, which he hated, but what else could he do to avoid it? When the door chimed he glanced that way and grinned at first sight of the guy only wound up frowning. "You're drenched."

call it quits, or get a grip )

[info]wantheronsunday in [info]_fracture_

Working Title

Who: Ronin and Syd
Where: Hallways
When: Morningtime (present)

Ronin's eyes fluttered open and he expected a headache to follow but it didn't. There were a few other things he expected to follow that didn't. Like familiar surroundings, for instance. What he saw instead was something the 50s had vomited up and arranged into a living space including a vanity which almost felt insultingly feminine. He sat up and rubbed his eyes as if that might change the outcome of opening them again. It didn't. He threw his feet over the side of the bed and stood up to look around.

"Let's do the time warp again..." he mumbled in a sing-song tone as he gazed at the room. He tried to roll his mind back over the events of the night before and was even more confused because he hadn't had a gig. By all rights, he should have come to on Kai's couch with a pounding headache. "Shit, maybe I died," he said though the idea neither resonated nor worried him. He could fully prepare to meet Jimi Hendrix and Elvis if that was the case.

He found the note welcoming him to the Regent Hotel and his room key. He couldn't remember checking in but then you didn't check in to heaven, did you? He hoped this was some elaborate prank but the note said he'd be there for a while. That didn't bode well. He decided to forget the room and go find someone he recognized, alive or dead. "Kai?" he called out once he was in the hall. "Elvis?" he followed up tentatively, wandering down what he supposed was a hotel hallway. If this was Rock 'n' Roll heaven, it made sense it would be in a hotel!