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Oct. 3rd, 2014


Who: Thor Odinson and Jane Foster
What: Jane can lift Mjolnir and Thor teaches her how to fly.
Where: Around Storybrooke, starting somewhere in the open and probably near the docks because crash landings...
When: After Jane gets random powers
Rating: PG at worst. Feels and mushyness and powers.
He couldn't quite explain it, but he wouldn't deny he felt Jane worthy. )

Aug. 8th, 2014


Who: Thor (MCU) and Castiel
What: Meeting by accident
Where: Likely somewhere in town, wherever Thor happens to be
When: Backdated to this afternoon
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress/Closed

Read more... )

Jul. 8th, 2014


Who: Thor Odinson and Loki Laufeyson
What: Meeting up, but for better or worse, no one knows a damn thing
Where: The park area
When: After Thor makes nice with Jane
Rating: Low. Ish. Loki's still gonna insult Thor whenever possible
Status: In progress

If it's any consolation, he promised not to level the town...for now )


Who: Thor Odinson and Jane Foster
What: Playing catch up over coffee at Granny's
Where: Granny's!
When: Just after Thor's arrival and prior to his chat with Loki.
Rating: PG for likely PDA and feels, maybe 13 for topics of sad.
Status: In progress
Even to the Son of Odin this place felt strange )

Dec. 19th, 2013


Who: Thor and Multiples (and OPEN)
What: Thor is struck by the Mistletoe
Where: All around Storybrooke
When: Thursday Afternoon
Rating: PG - ?
Status: In Progress, OPEN
Notes: Same as Everyone elses' feel free to subthread for Godly affection?

Storybrooke wasn't such a bad place.. )

Oct. 11th, 2013


Who: Thor and Loki
What: Loki's indiscretion goes public and, with the truth out, Thor is very unhappy.
Where: Starting in Loki's apartment, likely relocating
When: After the accidental network post
Rating: TBD, likely includes violence.

There was no denying it now, this place was strange beyond compare. )

Aug. 30th, 2013


Who: Thor and Sif
What: Thor goes to greet Sif and tell her what he can
Where: Under the clock, likely moving to one of the local bars.
When: Just after Sif's arrival.
Rating: PG, I can't see this being anything but friendly, even if there is mild play fighting.
Status: In Profgress

Sif had arrived and Thor, though troubled, is happy to see her. )

Aug. 17th, 2013


WHO: Thor and Thalia
WHERE: Near the trail head
WHEN: Saturday August 3rd. Evening.
WHAT: Sparring, training, making friends like they do?
STATUS: log; complete.

Battling a Norse god unarmed is a pretty new thing for me. )

Aug. 13th, 2013


Who: Thor Odinson and Percy Jackson
What: Looking for Shawarma. Because it's delicious
Where: Wandering Storybrooke
When: After their network discussion
Rating: PG?
Status: In Progress

There were many things in Storybrooke Thor enjoyed from his tales of Earth, and now, he hunted for Shawarma )

Aug. 4th, 2013


Who: Thor, Loki (MCU)
What: Brotherly reunions.
Where: Loki's room. (Tower 1, #702)
When: Sunday Evening
Ratings/Warnings: Unknown, likely low but full of lies
Status: In Progress!

Thor never did respect a well-timed plan. )

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Who: Thor and Thalia
What: Sparring, training, making friends like they do?
Where: Near the trail head
When: Saturday August 3rd. Evening.
Rating: PG - PG-13.
Status: Logged. Complete.

It had been too long since Thor had a proper fight )

Aug. 2nd, 2013


Who: Open to Any!
Where: The Hanged Man
When: August 2nd, 2013
What: The Hanged Man's grand opening!
Rating: Various
Status: Various stages of progress.
OOC: Start subthreads as wanted and needed!

The doors opened at the time specified and the place was filling with the curious and those who had every intention of having as much fun as they could. )

Jul. 28th, 2013


Who: Thor Odinson and Captain Jack Sparrow.
When: Sunday, July 28. Evening.
Where: The Rabbit Hole.
What: Thor and Jack have a drink.
Warnings: Mediumish?

... )

Jul. 27th, 2013


Who: Thor Odinson and Regina Mills / The Evil Queen (Open to Henry too I imagine)
What: Thor visits her office to introduce himself, be polite, and possibly give her a warning
Where: The Mayors office
When: Saturday, July 27th. Evening.
Rating: PG, at worst.
Status: In Progress

He'd learned a lot since his visit to the desert, and not just about not smashing cups. )

Jul. 26th, 2013


Who: Thor and Jane Foster
What: Pancakes, Coffee, answers, probably in that order
Where: Outside the towers and likely to Granny's
When: Friday the 26th, late afternoon
Rating: TBD.
Status: In Progress

They had said Loki wasn't to blame and, even if Thor didn't believe them, there was still one person who's presence he considered more pressing. )