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Aug. 28th, 2009


WHO: Erin and Siobhan and open if ya like.
WHAT: Hormone Spike difficulties
WHERE: Youth Center Gym & Juice Bar
WHEN: Aug 28th, 5pm

Looking stressed out was something that came entirely too natural for Erin, an anxious look that went through his entire body and was painted clearly in his eyes. He appeared strung out and exhausted, his gait slower than normal, his brow raised. He wanted to chill out, to relax, to unwind, but... He'd been hit hard and hadn't been able to shake it. A brief battle that morning during patrol, a simple run-in with muggers and his hormone surges were completely out of control. He was frustrated, flustered, not able to think straight. The Juice Bar seemed like the place to be though, busy and active. It was colorful and loud and there were tons of other stressed out people all around him, working off their energy on the machines or on the mats. Erin had chosen a shake and taken it with him to the small arcade area, his drink set down as he chose a pinball machine.

He hated feeling like this; more than anything else. Almost more than the guilt that woke him up in the middle of the night sometimes, that wrenching, soul-tearing remembrance of the lives that had been extinguished in his company. Being unable to control the way he felt, though, the way his body responded to stimuli -- it was almost worse somehow. At least when he felt that familiar guilt, he could drown it in hours of sleep or booze or Zord-work. Right now though, he was stuck with the change in steadiness, his urge to fight, to fuck, to scream. He didn't handle his hormone spikes as well as some of the other Rangers, and hated the toll it seemed to take on his body. It wasn't fair.

More than anything right now, Erin very desperately wanted a girlfriend. He hadn't been involved with anyone in ages, and getting it off in the shower wasn't cutting it anymore. There were so many cute girls all around him, and he never seemed to have the right words for them. Lisa was sex on legs, and god she was endlessly adorable... Charlie, Katherine, Siobhan (mmm, that red hair)... fuck, why did they all have to be so sexy all the time? Angela crossed his mind from time to time as well, but she overwhelmed him a little. He wasn't that good at keeping up with women more masculine than he was, and she was definitely cut out for her role. Penny was too much, too. Cute as hell, but... And then there were the students, but they were like... jail-bait in a way.

"Damn it," Erin told the pinball machine. He hadn't been paying attention. His muscles tensed and he fed it more quarters.