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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Jan. 1st, 2012|11:50 am]
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Uncle Bobby )

Jae-sun )
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[Oct. 28th, 2011|10:00 pm]
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For those of you who still need somewhere safe to stay, or if you need medical attention and can't/don't want to get to a hospital, might as well head to the compound: [South Dakota address]
There's portkeys practically right to my front door [here], [here], [here], and [here].

Ain't going to claim to have the best bedside manner, but we've got the prettiest nurse.
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[Sep. 7th, 2011|03:34 pm]

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Okay, PSA for everyone: don't keep demons as pets unless you're powerful enough to contain them. They get big and try to eat you real quickly.

Third one this week, seriously. At least this one didn't explode.
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[Jul. 26th, 2011|11:09 am]
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Been a while since I put one of these up, and seems like we've had another wave of newcomers.

Usually goes a little something like: Hey, name's Bobby Singer, and I've got a folklore and supernatural library to rival the one at the Vatican (God told me herself, when she was here and playing at being the pope) so if you've got trouble with a haunting or a possession or a critter, or if you just want to read up just in case, I'm your go-to guy.

You can drop me a line here, or give me a call [ph#] to make an appointment.
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[Apr. 12th, 2011|06:26 pm]

Well, it's about that time when I point out that I'm still breathing. Don't figure anyone was actually worried, since I haven't gotten any calls.

This is also to mention that the library's still open to visitors, just give me a call [ph#], we'll work out a time.
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[Mar. 25th, 2011|08:34 am]
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Lulu's been gracious enough to put her guest house up to the whims of the likes of me for renovation, and since nobody here got a danger room Remy has access to, guess what it's gunna wind up needing to be?

Gunna need a posse to round up the materials and help in the construction. Sign up here, get access to it on your spare time. If you don't know what a danger room is, you don't read enough comics.
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[Mar. 18th, 2011|12:43 am]
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Robert Singer )

Teague Brennan )
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[Mar. 5th, 2011|07:28 pm]
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What does the general populace here know about lycanthropy?
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[Jan. 26th, 2011|09:12 pm]
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Figured I ought to at least let people know I haven't dropped off the face of the universe.

This is also a reminder to everybody that the library's open to visitors, just leave me a message here or call [ph#] to make an appointment.
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[Jun. 19th, 2010|05:30 pm]

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[Current Mood |busy]

Miss Folchart )

Bobby, Miss Petit, Miss Henriette and Master Henry Stillman )

Princess )

Mr. Dean Winchester )
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[Jun. 8th, 2010|01:33 pm]

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[Current Mood |confused]

Sancta Maria )

Miss Petit and Mr. Robert Singer )

Something I did not expect, quite possibly ever again: my head is completely silent.
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[May. 6th, 2010|08:00 pm]

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You know, I just realized I've been here forever and nothing that bad has happened to me and mine. It's not half bad, really. Honestly, the worst thing to happen recently was Pam Anderson getting booted off that dancing show. Mmm, Pam Anderson.

I hope I didn't just shoot myself in the foot in the eyes of the Good Luck Fairy.
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[Apr. 25th, 2010|09:55 pm]

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Locked to Bobby Singer and to Miss Petit )
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[Mar. 19th, 2010|07:00 pm]

So it’s about the time when I remind people that I’m still alive, and the library’s still open for research, just give me a call [phone#] or drop a line here, we’ll work out an appointment. Basically any day except Wednesdays, that’s when I’m teaching.
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[Mar. 14th, 2010|04:21 pm]
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I figure it's a sign I've been here too long that my first reaction to the goddamn prehensile tail wasn't panic, but just 'well that'll be inconvenient.'
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[Feb. 12th, 2010|10:46 pm]
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Bobby? I know you said standing invitation, but I feel like giving you fair warning. I plan on coming over and making you socialize. With actual people. Namely me, but I'm sure I still count.
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[Dec. 6th, 2009|12:11 pm]
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Anne )

Dean )

Locked to Bobby )
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[Nov. 20th, 2009|03:20 pm]
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Sometimes I actually remember to stop being a recluse on my own.


Anyway, seems like there's some new faces around, figured I'd get the word out again that I've got a library that rivals the Vatican's, God's said so herself, so if you're looking for a particular text or help getting rid of a particular critter or beastie g'on and drop me a line.
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[Oct. 30th, 2009|04:55 pm]

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[Current Mood |calm]

Locked to hunters and hunting types )
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[Oct. 8th, 2009|10:52 pm]
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Right, so I've heard both that I got nothing to worry about around here AND that Halloween is worse here than back home.

I'm stocking up in either case.
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[Sep. 20th, 2009|11:14 pm]
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Hey Dean, Dad, Bobby and Robbie...

Monday Night Football, tomorrow night. Wanna come here and watch in the theatre room?

Anyone else interested?
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[Sep. 10th, 2009|05:56 pm]
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I've got folk telling me I ought to be more sociable. Ain't never been sociable before, don't see any reason to start now besides keepin' 'em quiet for a while.

Library's still open for anybody with an appointment, appointments are open every day 'cept Wednesdays since that's when I teach.
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[Aug. 16th, 2009|12:10 am]
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So anyone who's been to the library, or is planning a visit, just keep an eye out for the new assistant librarian, her name's Thatcher. Didn't go in intending on a pup, but how could I say no to that face?
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[Aug. 11th, 2009|12:20 pm]
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Hey now! That's just rude, sucking up a gal in the middle of her shift!

Where am I? This isn't the Strip!
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[Aug. 9th, 2009|08:58 pm]
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Figure now that I'm giving lessons, I might as well open up the library to general consumption, not all of it 'course, and not without appointment.

Name's Robert Singer, most folk call me Bobby, people in the know back home used to joke that the library at the Singer Salvage Yard rivaled the one in Vatican City. Don't know if that's true or not, since I've never been to the Vatican, but it's pretty extensive, be good research for people taking folklore classes or people who're just DIY about getting rid of house ghosts.

Anyone interested in taking a look around just drop me a line or give me a call [phone #] to set up an appointment.
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[Jul. 27th, 2009|06:40 pm]

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Does anyone have the knucklebone of an unmarried woman I can borrow? That isn't attached? I'm trying to do a spell, not mess up the house and cause bodily harm!
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[Jul. 24th, 2009|02:50 pm]
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Well that's just the weirdest damn thing ever.

Finally figured out why everything looks familiar on the surface but ain't even close looking a second time.

Seems like I went and replaced a certified crazy. Thought he was a guy who's not really me but damn close enough.
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[Jul. 20th, 2009|02:58 pm]
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Well that was weird.

Anyone want to tell me why I just had a damned tornado in my office? Ain't any sort of disturbance I've run across before.
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Just like the curse, just like the stray, you feed it once and now it stays. [Aug. 7th, 2008|02:16 pm]

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[Current Mood |busy]

Faithy )

Bobby )

Solvei )

Dad )

Samantha )

Anyone wanna buy a bar in NYC? I'm still thinkin' on it, but if you're interested, let me know anyway.
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|03:40 pm]

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Mira )
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|04:39 pm]

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Me that's not me but is me but... really isn't. )

Bela. )

Ed. )

Bree. )

There's some days I'm pscyhed to live in London. Today's sort of a mixed bag.
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[Aug. 6th, 2008|04:38 pm]

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Can you guys please just knock it off? It's not Bruce's fault. It's not Faith's fault. Actually, it's nobody's fault except for the guys who stole my purse. So stop yelling at each other. Please? It took me a REALLY long time to type this. Do me a favor, and just stop.

Oh. And Julia is helping me type this up and reading things to me so no more swearing! She's only nine.
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[Aug. 4th, 2008|07:31 pm]

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Wound up in a bar called Led Synyrd. Funny play on names of two great rock bands. Neither one of them are REO but they're not bad I guess.

Wasn't drinkin' last night so I know no one slipped me any roofies. Was workin' a job but it wasn't the kind where a tornado would appear out of nowhere and drag me to the Big Apple of all places.

Anyone care to help a girl out?
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[Aug. 1st, 2008|07:16 pm]

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Decided to retire.

And Samantha is moving in with me.

That about covers things.
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[Jul. 31st, 2008|02:40 am]

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[Current Mood |disappointed]

Bobby )

Faith )

Emily )
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[Jul. 30th, 2008|06:04 pm]

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Was dead...

Now I ain't.

Sort of wonderin' why.
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[Jul. 29th, 2008|11:12 pm]

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Anne )
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[Jul. 29th, 2008|10:43 pm]

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A shame when good warriors die.
The Work is never quite complete.
Even when it causes such pain.
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[Jul. 29th, 2008|10:45 pm]
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Guess we'll double up the baby registry thing.
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[Jul. 28th, 2008|09:33 pm]

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Don't know if Mr. Casey Manning reads anything on here. If you do, know that I'm coming for you Manning.

Private )

For the Family )

Future Dean )
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