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Oct. 11th, 2017


Public, posted anon.

I heard there was someone in town that made deals. Hit me up if you're out there, big guy.

Oct. 3rd, 2017


[Abe W] ETA: [Cat C]

[Abe W]
[Immediately after the party lets out.]

Well? How was it?

ETA: [Cat C]
When you're up to talk, let me know. I'm guessing there was no boring whining about love lives this time around?

Sep. 20th, 2017


Abe W

[Abe W]

So, how do you feel about this party?

Aug. 30th, 2017


Public, Connie G

Has anyone seen whoever is stealing all the trinkets in town, my dudes? We keep getting reports, even from campers at the edge of the woods.

[Locked to Connie G]
Man, Con, I do not know how to go this long without checking on you.

Aug. 19th, 2017


Jack P, Abe W

[Locked to Jack P]
Tell me, darling, are your press credentials in order?

[Locked to Abe W]
As your unofficial sister-in-law, I feel I should tell you I'm glad you made it home in one piece.

Aug. 11th, 2017


Abe W; Bruce W; Delivery: Cat C; Public

[Abe W]
I do NOT look like that girl that was crying over James.

[Bruce W]
How's the welcome wagon coming along, B-Dubs?

["Delivery": Cat C]
[At a random point during the day a box with this necklace appears inside her place.]

Man, if the thing about the girls in the Capital is true? This whole town is going to wind up in the SuperMax prison within the next month or two.

Aug. 10th, 2017


lake update

[Lake Update]

[The blue fish has been missing for a few weeks, but he returns as the lake becomes a popular hangout spot. He swims around, waves at locals and visitors alike, tells them to go visit the carnival. A few brave ladies ask to touch his gills and pictures of them tugging at his face go all over the internet.]

Jul. 8th, 2017




[Late a night:] What is the strangest thing you believe in?

[Damian W.]

How is the carnival doing? I always get anxious about it when I'm out of town.

[Misha B.]

Want anything from New Orleans?

Jun. 29th, 2017


Log: Abe & Sasha vacay

Who: Abe & Sasha
What: Investigating.
Where: New Orleans
When: Soonish
Warnings/Rating: Culty things?

She and Abe had attended the headcleansing earlier in the evening. )

Jun. 20th, 2017


Abe W

[Abe W]

Did your talk with Cat go badly?

Jun. 17th, 2017



Very important question:


Jun. 14th, 2017


Public, Abe W

We're hiring at the Cat. If you look amazing in jeans and don't mind listening to Cash all night long? Let me know.

[Locked to Abe W]
Hello, nearly-brother-in-law.


News: Repose, Forum: Abe W

[The carnival has been sold. Though the rumors, originating within the carnival itself, name no one yet (knowing not who to name), it is undisputed that the place is under new ownership. As for what that means for those employed there, or the future of the carnival itself, remains to be seen.]

[Locked to Abe W]
[On the forums; as Damian W.]


Jun. 12th, 2017



[And anon. She's a mess, herself, but...]

Hey. Everyone okay?

Jun. 11th, 2017



What: Memory
Will characters be viewing the memory or experiencing it?: Experiencing
Warning, this memory contains: Dark thoughts, strange allusions.

Don't worry. )

Jun. 8th, 2017


Quicklog - Carnival: Abe/Sasha

[Sasha had actually been thoroughly freaked out after hearing from Eddie. Not because Eddie, but knowing for sure about memories. It made her sick. So what did Sasha do when she felt bad? She covered it up with jokes and avoided, which was about as helpful as putting a bandaid on a chainsaw wound. Anything was better than actually talking about problems, though. Especially with people that knew her. That wasn't something she could get close to accomplishing with Abe. It really wasn't fair.

She slipped back into the trailer, comfortable within the cozy walls, and shut the door silently behind her. Right now she felt exceptionally vulnerable on the outside, but she had a quest to accomplish, and accomplish she did. Abe was even still sleeping, so there were obviously bonus points given for that, right? Right. She was Solid damn Snake hiding in a box with how perfect the mission had gone.

She perched on the edge of the bed, careful to not jostle him too much, so she could wake him instead with the big poof of pink cotton candy that was booped light on his nose. Over and over and over, until he acknowledged the spun sugar attack. Maybe it wasn't the nicest thing to do since sleeping helped deal with the memories a little easier, but damnit, if she was going to be awake, so was he.]

Jun. 2nd, 2017


Abe W

[Abe W]

I have most of the important provisions from the general store, but they're out of twinkies. Is there anything else you want? If the comment from Damian is meant to be believed, we can skip out of town to get a break. I'm not actually sure what's worse. This or the most recent season of House of Cards.

And if that apple cart says anything about me while I'm gone, it's a vicious lie.

May. 23rd, 2017



Spring and summer used to be good seasons for the carnival, but I don't know if anyone except the regulars go anymore.

May. 22nd, 2017



[After the buses to the city have stopped for the night, and with not nearly enough money to be taking an uber or a taxi. In fact, that's why she's looking to go to the Capital - she's heard about a club where anyone can get onstage and dance for tips. And short of planting her ass back in Hookerville, that's the best she can come up with to make some fast money. For things. That she wants to buy. ...instead of asking Harry again.

Posted Anon.]

Hey, anyone got a line on a cheap ride into the city? And by cheap I mean free. Willing to trade or whatever.




we in tourist season already or something? general stores selling postcards at the checking desk, asked me if i wanted fudge with my purchase

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