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February 21st, 2017

[info]jukejoint in [info]repose

[The Past: Daniel & Misha, 1/2]

Who: Daniel and Misha
What: Employing Dickensian solutions (1/2)
Where: A twinge into the past → Georgian England → Webster Vinyl
When: Tonightish
Warnings/Rating: Nope

The light here was different. The darkness was not so absolute, punctuated by the rhythmic flashes of a neon sign outside a window not far beyond the cheap wall. It was a small room, nearly an attic, though not so American and tidy as the one above the B&B house. )

[info]jukejoint in [info]repose

[The Past: Daniel & Misha, 2/2]

Who: Daniel and Misha
What: Employing Dickensian solutions (2/2)
Where: A twinge into the past → Georgian England → Webster Vinyl
When: Tonightish
Warnings/Rating: Nope

When he was older, Daniel would grow into someone designed not to care about any of that: a determined authenticity. )

[info]luckygirl in [info]repose

[Gwen, Flash, MJ]

What are we doing for Jason?

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

[Flash M, Gwen R, MJ W, Felicity H, Jason W, Eddie N]

[Later the next day after the island. She's needed some time. Separate Locks.]

[Flash M]

[Gwen R]
Hi. [...] Sorry I flipped out at you on the island. I know you might say it's not a big deal, but I feel like I freaked out too much at you specifically. And I owe you an apology for that.

[MJ W]
[...] How are you doing?

[Felicity H]
Doing okay?

[Jason W]
[Worth a try...] Jason?

[Eddie N]
Hey, thanks for taking me out there last night.

[info]imyourguy in [info]repose


[Matt D.]
[Before this.]

How do you feel about being in charge of Cat's bar?

[info]tinieblas in [info]repose

[Capital: Gwen & Flash]

Who: Gwen and Flash
What: A mission
Where: Repose → Second City → Amusement Park
When: The 24 hours after the island
Warnings/Rating: TBD

Gwen was super unhappy. She wasn't even good at hiding it, because she had no experience with hiding her emotions. It was kind of like lying, and she'd never managed to get that down correctly, either. All she knew was that Jason was maybe dead (despite her insistence to totally everyone that Jason wasn't dead at all), and that Flash was falling apart (which felt like a super appropriate idiom at the present moment), and that she couldn't really do anything about either situation. She knew she wasn't the best at talking to people, and her lack of comprehension about the emotions of others meant she was kind of terrible at consoling anyone. So, at the end of the day, a mission was maybe a really good thing. Damian had given them a 24-hour window before any further attempts should be made on the island, and working was the best way Gwen could think of to spend that time.

She had a feeling that she was supposed to keep Flash talking, rather than going along with his blatant attempts at hiding in work, but part of her thought this was the right thing to do. She wasn't super good about instinct (even with her augmented senses), but she was willing to do this and not question the appropriateness of not remaining in Repose and mourning.

She left her labcoat behind, and dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans, black shiny shoes, and a puffy jacket, she made her way to the gated and guarded entrance of the Facility. She had her badge clipped visibly to her coat, and she carried her messenger bag draped across her body and falling heavily at her hip. She'd never ridden a motorcycle, and she totally tried to focus on that as she stood beyond the guard station and waited.

[info]badtime in [info]repose


Bear on a bicycle or surfing cat?

[Leena B.]

feeling better?

[info]bene_placito in [info]repose

[News: Music Store]

[The lights are on above the music store, dim but persistent. Doors are locked, and if necessary Daniel moved furniture to keep them that way.]