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December 2nd, 2015

[info]onerule in [info]repose

the reunion train continues.

Who: Bruce & Steph
What: Surprise! Kind of.
Where: Steph's apartment.
When: Recentlynowish, after he met Eddie.

Bruce didn't consider this breaking and entering.

His intent was not malicious. He sought no harm or damage. The only thing he wanted was to see Stephanie—to tell her, himself, that he was alive. That he was sorry. He was aware that word might travel faster than he did, that she might already know. But, regardless, he owed her more than words on a page. He owed them all so much more, and this was barely a start. How could he even begin to cover the scope of a year, and beyond that—before hadn't exactly been resolved, he knew there was a lack of closure. And now...where he'd been, how he'd escaped, they wouldn't understand. Or, perhaps, he feared that they wouldn't. Too much so to take the risk.

So, he waited. On the couch, in muted clothing, any signs of the past year carefully hidden. Getting in was simple. It was small, her apartment—one bedroom. Not a lot of places to hide, but he wasn't looking to hide. Not here. Not now.

He even left a light on. (A lamp, to be specific.)

[info]heir in [info]repose

Wainright Manor: Bruce W & Damian W

Who: Bruce Wainright & Damian Wainright
What: oh, you're not dead :)
Where: Wainright Manor
When: nowish
Warnings/Rating: TBD

He did not stop. )

[info]erased in [info]repose

Reece E

[Locked to Reece E, as Angel]

So. Fallout.

Dog. My dog is wearing welding goggles.

I thought I'd share that.