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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 16th, 2011|05:18 pm]
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*can't quite believe what she's gotten herself into with this jewelry show gig* *had some little catwalk show in mind, maybe some sashaying, a twirl-snap at the end* *definitely wasn't expecting a high-society exhibit featuring the models as living art, each dripping with enough diamonds to feed a small country for a month*

*on the evening of the gala, finds herself perched on a raised pedestal set in the midst of a sparkling pool, the hem of her long silver gown trailing out into the water* *sits very still while the makeup/hair/accessory people fuss over the headdress and glitter and, of course, the diamonds* *drinks in the details while she can; as part of the VirtuesTM collection showcase, she's portraying blind(folded) Justice*

*minutes before the doors are to open, her fingers are guided around the gleaming scales and sword, and she has to stamp out the urge to giggle or kick her feet* *is solemn and serene and... and just, dammit*
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[Feb. 12th, 2011|02:14 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*on the run-up to her holiday, is a blur of activity, sprinkling a little love and tenderness into as many little hearts as possible before the big day!*

*spends some time dreaming up the perfect gifts for the family, as it were: a bottle of wine for Manwë, along with an embossed note reminding him to get the red and white camellias for Varda; a similar bottle and note for Aulë (but she suggests a home for orphaned bunnies instead of flowers); for Irmo and Estë, warm fuzzy slippers and tea-candies galore; a dozen rabbit hearts hence the bunny home for Oromë, poor thing, and she doesn't know how or what to send to Vána but maybe next year hopefully?* *never has any clue what to get for Námo and Nienna, so that'll be a gift card* *annnnd for Yérë, she has chocolate, daffodils, and a nice friendly card with the words BEHAVE YOURSELF printed inside*

*also arranges for special deliveries of candy hearts to those most deserving of their saccharine messages (i.e., those who will hate them the most)* *hmph!*
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[Dec. 1st, 2010|04:44 pm]

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[Mood | bored]

*wanders over to the Fountain one afternoon, without an appointment and on the very thin pretense that he has a music-y piece of business to discuss with Ecthelion*

*and it's not that he doesn't have a hilarious music-y piece of business to discuss with Ecthelion, it's just, you know, he needs an excuse and he's too annoyed with his staff for forgetting his birthday to be around them right now without throwing a fit*

*flips off Pete at the front desk before making his way down to Esther's open door and peering inside*

I get that "holiday cheer" likely translates to "overtime" with you lot, but you could at least cut a window in the damn wall.
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[Aug. 4th, 2010|09:40 pm]

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*awakens very sluggishly, though it really only has been about five minutes*

*doesn't need the sharpest edges of his wits to understand immediately that something's very wrong, however*

Okay. This isn't my office. I dozed off in my office, and now I'm in... *looks around more carefully* ...Salgant's office? Why am I in Salgant's office?

*spots a telephone on the desk and picks up the handset, pressing a speed-dial button at random without the first clue as to what he means to say, or to whom* *hears the staffer on the other end answer with a wary-sounding Lord Salgant?* No, this is... *freezes at the sound of his own voice* *annnd then he looks at the hand holding the phone* Oh god.
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[Feb. 4th, 2010|11:44 pm]
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*has had a shitty week so far, to be honest*

*beginning with Sunday, in which she finally remembered her dream-husband and realized he was still her dream husband—but oh yes, he's thoroughly taken now* *by another guy, no less* *and the other guy is her friend and her boss* *yeah*

*continuing with Monday, in which she basically hid in her office all day and tried not to cry (again), and hoped like hell Erestor wouldn't decide to drop in on her anytime soon*

*continuing with Tuesday, in which her mother called to check in (apparently Freddy was worried over the whole Esther-crying thing, worried enough to mention it when he spoke to their mom the day before)* *which is kind of cute of him, but dammit, she doesn't want to talk to her mother about her (lack of a) love life*

*continuing with today, in which she's gotten another ad reply (a poetic yes to meeting at Edible Complex, six o'clock tonight), but instead of fluttering over to Ecthelion's office for more squealing squealing, she just kind of wants to... cry some more* (*her mystery man might be a prince in disguise, but he isn't her sweet, sunny, brilliant Merry, and no one ever will be*)
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[Jan. 9th, 2010|10:08 pm]

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[Mood | shocked]

*has spent the last several days scrambling to put things back into some sort of order at the Harp, after his second-in-command randomly quit, WTF?* *could extract no better explanation from Yates than that he "intended to pursue other opportunities"*

*takes a short break from the craziness of combing through job applications (all of which have been carefully screened by Special Ops, unbeknownst to him) to kick his feet up on his desk and peruse the paper, giving special attention to the classifieds (the R series hasn't served him as well as he'd hoped, and really, they don't make 'em like they used to, anyway)*

*drops his feet to the floor in a hurry when his eyes alight on the personals (he reads them to laugh, shut the fuck up), one ad in particular*

...seeking one Masked Mystery Man claiming double-sided fax capabilities...

*reads through the rest of the little blurb, then the whole thing once more, unbelieving (but no, there's her name and c/o House of the Fountain (*spit*))*

*only spares a moment for the question of whether she's seen his handwriting before (most likely only his signature, and there's no way that's going on the reply)* *without any further thought, finds a clean sheet of paper and a bold black pen (Eru, a pen) and scrawls a reply as fast as his hand will move*

It seems even a woman who chooses to be single can enjoy the occasional cinnamon cookie. But two? I'm no less a coward. Are you still brave enough for both of us? Will you laugh at 'hello' doctrine to face dragons tall?

*makes himself stop then, think a moment* *adds a final, simple line (I want to see you again.) before sealing the note in an envelope and printing your name in neat block letters on the front* *does not chuck this into his outbox, oh no—will drop it in the mailbox on the corner, on his way out for lunch* *returns to the business of the day (only now he's whistling while he works)*
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[Aug. 11th, 2009|11:48 am]

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[Mood | excited]

*on the evening of the ball, gets all dressed up in her bright yellow gown (it's poofy!) and her jeweled mask and goes downstairs to join the gathering throng*

*wanders among all the people (there are a lot of them throughout the palace, considering she's invited all the staff from all the Houses), oohing and ahhing at all the beautiful, colorful costumes and trying to guess who's who*

*thinks that tall and muscly one over there is probably Egalmoth, and oh, there's her aunt, surely, resplendent in white, and her little cousin (and she breathes a little sigh of relief because it seems Lómion must have gone back to Uncle Fingon's after all)*

*can't guess who most people are (even the really obvious ones), though she never forgets a name, but it's great fun to try!* *collects a glass of champagne and whirls and twirls around the ballroom, humming to herself and eagerly awaiting Tuor's arrival*
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[Aug. 2nd, 2009|05:17 pm]
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*reports for work Monday morning (against her roommates' advice) and whisks through the front foyer and up to her office, hardly stopping to say hello to anyone along the way, keeping her head down (her hair over her face) and her hands busy in her bag (looking for something)*

*breathes a little once she's slipped through her door* *sits at her desk, takes out her compact and checks the mirror, grimacing at her reflection* *the heavier foundation's doing its job pretty well, but there isn't much she can do to hide the split in her lip or the cut at her hairline* *never mind the ugly bruise at her hip that's making it difficult to sit still for long*

*stashed the compact in her drawer for easy access and gets to work, already mentally rehearsing her story* *as an afterthought, drops a handful of paperclips on the floor (just in case she needs an excuse to temporarily hide under her desk)*
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[Jul. 18th, 2009|09:02 pm]
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*it's a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon, and the place to be is the House of the Fountain's annual barbecue!*

*per her roommates' specific instructions (girlfriend, you are not working today, today we party), has dolled up a bit for the occasion* *figures if nothing else, she and Danielle and Georgia will make damned good armcandy for their unsuspecting date*

*as such, finds herself carefully stepping across the House's beautiful green lawns in strappy four-inchers, one arm curled around Erestor's and a fruity drink balanced in the other hand* *pleasantly, to their little party at large* I don't know about the rest of you, but there's a coney dog with my name on it. Bets on whether I can keep the sauce off my skirt this time?
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[May. 21st, 2009|02:36 pm]

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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*after religiously reading all the major papers for weeks, has finally failed to find so much as a page-six mention of his embarrassment at the Virtuoso Awards*

*can only assume that people are starting to buy his line about holing up to write a brilliant new play, even though most of those days were spent bingeing on junk food and watching reality shows*

*takes a break from the morning's work (he's easing back into it) to go out and pick up a box of doughnuts* *across town* *while wearing his hat and dark glasses*
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[Apr. 8th, 2009|07:42 pm]
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*in accordance with the evil plot afoot, finds herself loitering near the main entrance of the Mount Taras Pavilion, home of the Virtuosos for six years running* *is all gussied up for the evening in a just-snug-so red formal, with her (temporarily blonder) hair piled atop her head and more dramatic makeup than usual (akin to what she'd wear at the Cat's Eye, really)*

*is staying out of the way for the most part, so as not to attract attention or stumble into a 'razzi frenzy—does not want to accidentally end up in a front-page photo tomorrow*

*keeps her eyes peeled for her target, hoping beyond hope she doesn't miss him in all the commotion*
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[Mar. 22nd, 2009|12:11 pm]

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[Mood | cynical]

*is quite happily entrenched in the plans for the opening night of his newest musical extravaganza when his assistant buzzes him on the intercom*

*listens with growing incredulity as the man explains that there's a call for him from some woman who claims to be the Vice Chair of the Virtuoso Awards Board of Governors*

*snorts down the phone line* I wrote their emcee's material last year and they threw it out. "Too vulgar". *rolls his eyes heavenward* Whatever. Put her on. *after the telltale click* Hello, Orville's Orgasm Emporium.
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[Feb. 15th, 2009|03:52 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*finishes eating and uneating his mid-morning frosted blueberry muffin and then checks his appointment calendar to see what's next on the docket*

10:30 a.m. - Annoy Ecthelion.

*brightens considerably, this being one of the high points of his week* *collects his coat and his keys and sends word to Yates to hold down the fort, then takes a leisurely drive over to the Fountain* *sees himself up to Ecthelion's office, despite Pete's several rather enthusiastic attempts to waylay him in the foyer*

*is poised to open the door (knocking's for losers) when he catches sight of the new, very neatly lettered sign hanging next to the door* *arches an eyebrow and steps back into the corridor, only then seeing the open door standing just a few feet away*

*walks over to this doorway (within plain sight of the room's sole occupant), making as if he's closely examining the structure, the expression on his face that of barely controlled horror* *in a loud whisper (loud enough that he can't fail to be overheard)* Oh. Oh, dear.
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