Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Jun. 8th, 2009|07:07 pm]
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[Mood | pensive]

*miraculously has a few hours to spare to herself before while Macalaurë is catching up with his brother and Aaron is sleeping*

*is so over-tired herself that instead of catching an hour of sleep, she simply sits herself down on the couch amongst the detritus of baby-related flotsam and jetsam and listens to the silence*

(*and perhaps checks in on her son once or three times*)

*takes the opportune moment to make a call she'd been considering* *dials the MHC*
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[May. 26th, 2009|01:57 pm]

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*upon hearing of the birth of his newest nephew, bestirs himself to leave Hithlum and appropriates Fingon's private jet (the only way to ensure that he does not get extradited - AKA shot down - over enemy airspace)*

*arrives in Ossiriand and goes to visit his mother and youngest siblings before tracking down Maglor and seeing the newest edition to the family*
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[May. 11th, 2009|06:50 pm]
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[Mood | restless]

*after a brief trip back to Himlad to collect some things and tie up some last minute items with his house staff and agent, returns to Ossíriand for the duration?*

*nominally is staying at his mother's, even though he ends up spending more time at Erendis'*

*makes keeps himself preoccupied useful by puttering lending a hand where needed*
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[Apr. 13th, 2009|07:16 pm]
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[Mood | anxious]

*is relieved when the awards show doesn't go on for so long, so she can get back to the hotel and rest* (*as nice as it was to be dressed up and out for the first time in... well, Eru knows how long, really*)

*waves off Maglor's suggestion to find a second room if she needs it, because there's two beds aren't there, and there's no sense forgoing practicality at this stage*

*settles in after some post-mortem chatter ("It was rather bizarre, the whole thing?" "Indeed, what some people won't do for attention..."), to a light sleep*

*isn't sure what time it is when she wakes, awash in a sudden wave of panic, her heart pounding, surprising her enough to shout herself awake* *grasps awkwardly for the bedside lamp and pushes herself up to sit still, realizing she's awake*
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[Apr. 8th, 2009|07:42 pm]
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*in accordance with the evil plot afoot, finds herself loitering near the main entrance of the Mount Taras Pavilion, home of the Virtuosos for six years running* *is all gussied up for the evening in a just-snug-so red formal, with her (temporarily blonder) hair piled atop her head and more dramatic makeup than usual (akin to what she'd wear at the Cat's Eye, really)*

*is staying out of the way for the most part, so as not to attract attention or stumble into a 'razzi frenzy—does not want to accidentally end up in a front-page photo tomorrow*

*keeps her eyes peeled for her target, hoping beyond hope she doesn't miss him in all the commotion*
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[Mar. 29th, 2009|09:17 am]
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[Mood | optimistic]

*have made good progress with the recording at home, more or less to event deadline, updates his agent about his travel plans (and the organizers did get the request about where he'll be seated, etc. etc.)*

*leaves instructions with his house staff for some arrangements to be finished in his absence, and packs up for a stop in Ossiriand*

*calls Erendis after he gets in, then stops by her house for a visit*
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[Mar. 6th, 2009|12:07 pm]
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[Mood | productive]

*has put in quite a few solid days work, a relief after finding it hard to get into it for the first week or two back at home*

*catches up on correspondence and fields a few calls from his agent, who he might be able to placate soon with the promise of material*

*talks over possible studio recording dates but can only be cagey with her about what he can schedule in the coming months* *definitively blocks off the early spring months for all engagements, however*

*taking a good break, calls Erendis, with scheduling and updates on the brain*
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[Feb. 28th, 2009|09:16 am]
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[Mood | optimistic]

*has had a few weeks to herself, with Maglor having returned to his own home to finish working out his album*

*feeling more settled into her own routine (and having grown somewhat accustomed to company, she has to admit), considers his offer of his mother's help*

*invites Nerdanel over for a visit, offering nursery(?)(!) plans as the theme of the day*
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[Jan. 28th, 2009|01:08 pm]
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*puts the finishing touches on the sale arrangements for a fairly good-sized bungalow outside Ossiriand centre*

*has the rest of her furniture and things delivered from her place in Delving to complete the move*

*feels an immense weight ticked off her 'to-do' list as she gets down to settling in*
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[Jan. 2nd, 2009|12:55 pm]
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[Mood | nervous]

*having survived the Erumas season with his mother's hospitality to thank and possibly other familial distractions?, recovers feeling all the more focused about the year to come*

*invites Erendis for a conversation, some time after most of the gathering settles down*

*might have one or two tiny things on his mind*
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[Dec. 16th, 2008|10:27 am]
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[Mood | pensive]

*feeling mildly relieved about getting 'that' conversation out of the way, takes a short trip to Delving to check in at the Garden Path*

*has a checkup at the MHC* *follows by keeping her therapist appointment, a little less nervous than before*
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[Dec. 6th, 2008|09:30 am]
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[Mood | nervous]

*has removed to Ossiriand for a few weeks thanks to Elenwë's kind offer*

*spends a good deal of time sick to her stomach taking walks, thinking, resting*

*comes to terms with the fact that she is after all a participant in this as much as Maglor*

*makes a call to Maglor to see when he's available to meet and finds he's already in the same country for the holidays*

*arranges to meet at a cafe she knows will be fairly quiet* *waits outside somewhat apprehensively*
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[Nov. 16th, 2008|03:08 pm]

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[Mood | confused]

*sees off Celebrían and Arwen early-ish and spends the rest of the morning running errands*

*goes into the office later to put in a half-day and finds a message from Erendis, requesting another appointment*

*thinks about how recently he saw her and can't help but wonder whether something's happened (she seemed so reluctant to come in last time)*
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[Nov. 11th, 2008|12:59 pm]
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[Mood | sick]

*has a good deal of sleep to catch up on to think about after her visit to the therapist*

*takes her current indecision and confusion as a sign to stay well put and reconcile with her former self's stupidity rest up*

*thinks it best she tell Elenwë she won't return to their business venture in Gondolin*

*rings her friend from her rooms at the Garden Path*
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[Oct. 28th, 2008|08:27 pm]
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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*returns to Delving, to regroup at the Garden Path and have a proper meeting with her manager there* (*would be lost without Sylvia, sometimes*)

*since leaving Maglor Himlad, is still feeling no better, sleeping no better and no more settled about the memories that keep appearing*

*knows Maglor is probably right in suggesting she speak to someone about it all*

*puts in a call to the MHC and makes an appointment with Elrond*
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[Oct. 20th, 2008|10:02 pm]
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[Mood | awake]

*lies awake in bed, unsure why he hasn't risen to leave yet*

*glances over and finds Erendis asleep (oddly enough)* *despite everything, it's still not the same*

*after a few moments sits up and quietly starts to gather himself up to make as quiet an exit as possible*
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[Oct. 4th, 2008|09:54 am]
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[Mood | okay]

*takes a good day or so and settles into her hotel in Himlad*

*makes plans to reconvene with Maglor for dinner once she's sure she likely won't fall apart again*

*finds an offer to stay to be fairly welcoming*

*accepts a glass of wine and peruses the contents of his sitting room while making conversation*
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[Sep. 22nd, 2008|07:19 pm]
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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*returns to the Garden Path after making her exit from Gondolin, having confirmed with Elenwë about the future plans (such as they can make them)*

*still is not quite certain what to think or expect to think about what is happening there, and how she should plan*

*spends a week or two reacquainting with the Garden Path's activities and is well settled that everything is as it should be*

*restlessly, decides to travel north again, toward the mountains, on a recommendation she once had about it*

*secures a hotel room in Himlad and goes out walking, taking her phone with her*
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[Sep. 6th, 2008|09:52 am]
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[Mood | cynical]

*discovers, in the course of the days after Finduilas' departure, a few small things she left behind* *drops them into a packing envelope, absent of note or letter (I don't want to see you again), and mails them*

*goes through the Himlad police department to obtain a court order barring Curufin from within 1km of his person, residence and all places of work when he resides there* *has it sent to Ossiriand*

*considers looking into beachfront property the viability of never interacting with a single person ever again*
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|07:05 pm]
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[Mood | infuriated]

*receives official notice that she's to leave the city, along with all other non-natives*

*stares at the paper in utter disbelief, unable to accept that she's being lumped in as a common criminal suspect*

*telephones Elenwë immediately*
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