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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 12th, 2011|02:14 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*on the run-up to her holiday, is a blur of activity, sprinkling a little love and tenderness into as many little hearts as possible before the big day!*

*spends some time dreaming up the perfect gifts for the family, as it were: a bottle of wine for Manwë, along with an embossed note reminding him to get the red and white camellias for Varda; a similar bottle and note for Aulë (but she suggests a home for orphaned bunnies instead of flowers); for Irmo and Estë, warm fuzzy slippers and tea-candies galore; a dozen rabbit hearts hence the bunny home for Oromë, poor thing, and she doesn't know how or what to send to Vána but maybe next year hopefully?* *never has any clue what to get for Námo and Nienna, so that'll be a gift card* *annnnd for Yérë, she has chocolate, daffodils, and a nice friendly card with the words BEHAVE YOURSELF printed inside*

*also arranges for special deliveries of candy hearts to those most deserving of their saccharine messages (i.e., those who will hate them the most)* *hmph!*
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[Jul. 22nd, 2008|09:57 pm]
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*makes his way to his Boss' house and sheds the pizza boy uniform as soon as he gets in*

*looks at it on the floor of his room, chuckling* *thinks that the red pinstriped shirt, blue shorts and red cap, emblazoned with Pizza Pal! is his new favourite disguise*

*goes down to the living room, snagging a bottle of wine from the wine rack and sits down in front of the television, revelling in the satisfaction of a job well done*

*flicks to an audio channel that Ossë helpfully tuned into the wire taps in Finrod's apartment*

*what?* *is God of Sex - some voyeurism is perfectly healthy, if not expected in his line of work!
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[Jul. 1st, 2008|01:20 am]
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[Mood | busy]

*has spent most of the afternoon in an average little kitchen in Menegroth, buried to her shoulders inside a (convenient) malfunctioning oven and chatting easily with the lonely woman at the dining table who doesn't quite recall having phoned for a mechanic, but was glad to see one on her doorstep!*

*finally emerges from the oven's guts and gets to her feet, wiping her hands off on a rag and smiling through the bits of hair falling out from under her kerchief* There we go, Mrs. Abernathy, good as new. You'll be baking those macaroons again in no time, just like the ones you used to make for the boys. ... Oh, yes, I'm absolutely sure. Grandbabies always love Grandma's baking. It's a Rule. ... No, no charge today, we'll send the bill in the mail. *won't, of course*

*finishes gathering her tools and equipment and makes her farewells before heading to the front door* *glances back to see Mrs. Abernathy dialing her estranged son's number* *quiet smile*

*speaking of family!* *decides to visit her nieces while she's in town* *stashes her gear in the station wagon and heads out to Vendórë's place first*
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[Mar. 8th, 2008|12:15 am]
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[Mood | pensive]

*wends his way across Órë to Vendórë's home, smelling somewhat of stale smoke and whiskey*

*lets himself into her house and makes his way up the darkened staircase to her room* *sits on the edge of her bed*

*muses aloud* I cannot understand these former Immortals. They live like there's all the time in the world and time's a-wasting. At least Ossë's got it right. Seizing the moment.
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Linqil FM: Morning show. [Feb. 6th, 2008|12:36 am]
[Tags|, , , , , , , , , , , , ]
[Mood | Wired.]
[Music |Mithrilicca: Pastor of Muppets.]

*Jabbers into the microphone having taken several caffiene pills on top of his usual coffee fix.*

Here's something interesting for anyone in the Ossiriand area, the university's fine arts department is hosting a special exhibition by one Nerdanel Mahtaniel, very talented lady so do check that out if you're in the vicinity. So that's the Fine Arts department from...*Calls to his producer* When's the exhibition open? My magic bits of paper here aren't telling me squat.


Check our website! That'll tell you, the industrious little Linqil FM pixies will no doubt have the information up there. Or, you know, ask the University, it's a seat of learning, they're bound to know. But, if you're not of the artistic persuasion, check out the Two Trees pub, there's a live jazz set there every Thursday, lots of fine musicians to see. You might even see me there one day. What do I play, I hear you ask? Well, ever since I was child, I played on the linoleum.

If that's not your bag...well tell us what is your bag. Give us a call, let us know what you're up to this weekend, we love to live vicariously through our listeners. But first here's a track from a great band. If Manwë had a favourite band, it would be these guys. Yes, it's the Eagles.

*Turns down the volume on his microphone*
*twitches* I hate mornings.
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