August 2017



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August 20th, 2012

[info]son_of_krypton_ in [info]newalliance

Who: Clark Kent & Lois Lane-Kent
When: Backdated, August 17th, 2012
Where: Metropolis, the Kent-Lane apartment
What: Back home
Rating: PG

happy birthday, Lois Lane )

[info]catouttahell in [info]newalliance

Who: Patsy and Daimon
Where: Bludhaven - Satan Investigations
When: August 20th, 2012
What: So Patsy hasn't heard from her new boss since this email exchange, so she goes to Satan Investigations to see if she has a job, or not.
Rating: TBD!

She was going to resolve today one way or the other if she had a job or not. )

[info]therealcptnmrvl in [info]newalliance

Who: Carol Danvers
NPCs: --
When: Monday, August 20, 2012
What: Carol receives a letter and a package.
Where: Her office, Feris Aircraft, New York
Rating: THE FEELS.
OOC: For the sake of being accurate I'd like to point out that military no longer sends out notifications of death via the mail, but in person. This is only a personal letter from a friend.

Personally and for all the officers and men and women of this command please accept our deepest sympathy. )

[info]lexjosephluthor in [info]newalliance

Who: Lex Luthor, Victor Von Doom
When: August 20, 2012
Where: Doomstadt, Latveria
What: Delivery
Rating: G

beware megalomaniacs bearing gifts )

[info]felinefatale_ in [info]newalliance

Who: Batman, Catwoman, The Riddler
NPCs: Riddler's Henchwomen
When: Monday, August 20, 2012 - 01:00
Where: The Roof of Morgan's Fish Plant, Gotham Docks
What: Selina has contacted Eddie telling him she wants to discuss Harley and her current predicament. Really she and Bruce want to grill him on Joker and the deal they made for her. Cue beatings and Selina getting outed as a do gooder.
Rating: V for Vendetta Violence (May include more than mild peril and bad language)

[info]noir_canary in [info]newalliance

Who: Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance
What: Patrolling is the best time to talk about the direction of your relationship. No, really!
Where: New York City, New York
When: Wednesday, August 15th, Night [backdated]
Rating: PG-13

I think I've had enough of this. Blow me one last kiss. )

[info]nanpc in [info]newalliance


Who: Sue Richards
NPC: Nathaniel Richards I!
When: Backdated to August 1st or so.
Where: Baxter Building
What: Happy Family Talk gets a little informative
Rating: PG-13 for memories of violence and very trusting gypsy nurses.

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