August 2017



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August 12th, 2012

[info]thewindwitch in [info]newalliance

Who: Maxine Hunkel & Kristoff Vernard
When: August 12, 2012
Where: The Latverian Embassy
What: Schedules!
Rating: PG-13

Exactly what do you learn in Intro to Interpretive Dance? )

[info]beetleinblue in [info]newalliance

Who: Blue Beetle (open to reaction from Oracle)
What: Short Version: Ted does something stupid. Longer version: Ted (as the Blue Beetle) decides to poke around Oracle's online presence.
Where: Cyberspace [Although Ted is in the Beetle Hang out in NYC]
When: Late Sunday August 12th / Early Monday August 13th, 2012
Rating: G

Really, he guessed he should have asked Booster if he could borrow Skeets - he bet the little robot would have come in handy for this. Although the person Ted *really* wished he could have asked for assistance tonight was Babs. )

[info]built_for_war in [info]newalliance

Who: Reed, Rhodey, OT F4
What: Investigations for the Jotun Commission continue
Where: Baxter Building
When: August 12, Morning
Rating: PG

[info]rhymeswithnice in [info]newalliance

Who: Tora and Open
Where: The Carrier
When: 8/10 (backdated)
What: Tora gets homesick.
Rating: PG

She felt a momentary ache in her chest as she wondered how everyone was doing and what had transpired in all the time she'd been gone.  )

[info]earthmylikeness in [info]newalliance

Who: Ivy and Harley
Where: Ivy's Cell - Arkham Asylum
When: 8/12
What: Ivy and Harley have a chat about the criminal life.
Rating: PG-13

Who could be sweet talked into giving her just that little bit of leverage she needed to take root? )

[info]zindas in [info]newalliance

thread: Zinda and Dinah

WHO: Zinda and Dinah
WHAT: Zinda checks in to make sure Dinah hasn't fallen off the face of the earth.
WHEN: Aug 12
WHERE: Dinah's apartment in Gotham.

Dinah had been quiet over the last few days... very, very quiet. )