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Feb. 27th, 2013


EVENT: The Retaliation - February 27th

Early on the morning of February 27th, a low rumbling can be heard. It starts quietly, as if just a stirring in the wind, but gradually it builds until it leaves the city trembling, shaking so hard that things fall from tables, picture frames drop from the walls, and random car alarms start up in the streets all over the city.

It lasts only for a few minutes, as if it was merely a small earthquake, but as the sun shines over Mandalus, the clouds part to reveal the Serpent, its face bared, wounded from the attack struck on it during the last battle. It unhinges its enormous jaw, a blinding light flashing to life in its mouth, and within seconds the ball of light surges down onto the Northern area of the Residential District.

In one smooth shot, Mother's Plantation is lost, the surrounding area destroyed, half of the District brought down, caving in on itself. It rocks the city, sending a ripple effect through Mandalus, the shaking worse than anything experienced earlier, and the noise is nothing short of a sonic boom.

As the Serpent retreats and the clouds cover the sky again, the Residential District is left half destroyed, the remainder of the city a trembling mess, and countless wounded litter the streets around the blast zone, many more killed in the attack. The Serpent has made its retaliation for the battle it lost.

((OOC: The information for this event can be found HERE. Please direct all questions to this post.))

Feb. 4th, 2013


EVENT: A Call To Arms - February 4th

As night crept into the city, there was an odd stillness in the air. While the fighting continued, a heaviness had settled in amongst most of the residents in the city. The residents that huddled together and kept one another safe, or sought out those that had been brought to the city, or decided to take up arms and fight for their own city. It hung for an hour, maybe two, before a shrill scream filled the air of the city.

The Serpent appeared.

The long majestic black body that seemed to shimmer with greens, yellows and purples as it moved over the lights forced it's way through the tear in the sky. The body moved along the white branch like structures that shown around it. It reared itss head, a mask settled upon it's face with piercing yellow eyes that everyone in the city could see if they looked to the sky. It opened its jaw and snapped down at the city.

Then there was another cry that filled the air.

As the Serpent's head gained speed to strike at the city, a long streak of silver shot from the Central District. The heat from the beam caused the air to warm. The sound of electricity filled the air to battle against the shrieks of the Serpent. The beam traveled faster than the Serpent could and found its target. It penetrated the mask, going right through its head. The Serpent pulled back and screamed in agony, causing the ground to tremble and the sound of thunder to echo high above the city.

Another shot was fired. This time it hit its body.

The Serpent struck out at the city one more time before meeting the third assault. Wounded and black ooze dripping from its body onto parts of the city, it retreated. Its screams continued to echo through the sky even as it disappeared from sight and slowly, the sky returned to normal. Normal stars appeared where the branch like tendrils once were.

The Army lowered their weapons at the sight of their God retreating.

The System and its heroes had won this battle.

Jan. 28th, 2013


EVENT: A Call To Arms - January 27th

In the early hours of January 27th, the skies open up to the Serpent's power swelling in a raging storm cloud above the city. As the Serpent appears, masked face staring down at the expanse of the city, so too does a horde of soldiers, dressed all in black with the symbol of the Serpent on their uniforms, emerging from the Underground. Within moments, they begin gunning down those that stand in their way, and they make their ways to the four outer districts and begin an attempted assault on the Central District.

The Serpent Army begins to take over bases in the city. In the Residential District, they take Mother's Plantation, in the Venetian District they take the Palazzo Ducale, in the Business District they take the tallest skyscraper they can, and in Old Town they take over a street full of stores and businesses, across the way from the Sanctuary.

The soldiers will not give up these bases easily and will take every chance they can to hurt anyone who tries to deal with them. All known entrances to the Underground have guards posted, protecting where they emerged from.

((OOC: From now until February 3rd, the Serpent Army will be a solid force in the city for all to fight. On that date, the weapon will be fired and the army will have been taken down. All information can be found HERE.))