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April 22nd, 2013

[info]blondebat in [info]doorslogs

who Cassandra and Stephanie
what reunion~
when Before Bludhaven.
where Old Gotham alleyway.
warning nothing!
Talk is distraction. )

[info]ephemeras in [info]doorslogs

Who: Gwen and Mary Jane
What: A subway ride
Where: En route to Midtown
When: Recently, just after the anti-fear toxin wears off
Warnings/Rating: Cattiness?

Gwen, you don't understand us. )

[info]riddlethem in [info]doorslogs

Who: Riddler and Catwoman
Where: Gotham docks > boat
When: Recentlyish
What: Riddler needs to turn off a machine. Kitty needs to bust some heads. Happening the same time as Steph's convo with her dad.
Warnings: Violence! Bustin makes me feel good.

Are you telling me how to fight, Eddie? )

[info]muchness in [info]doorslogs

Who: Dylan and Max
What: A rescue that ends in a Molotov Cocktail
Where: Outside of town → Dylan's apt
When: Immediately after this
Warnings/Rating: Explosions and an alter-change thing for Dylan.

The rise through five floors was brief, and soon he was carrying her down the hallway like a bride on the wedding night, except for the fact that she was smeared with blood and desert sand. )

[info]blondebat in [info]doorslogs

who Cluemaster and Batgirl.
what Gotham's version of a daddy-daughter fight.
when At the same time as this
where the docks, Bludhaven.
warning Violence! hella angst, too. broken-hearted bb steph. :[

The Browns were mad at each other for the same reason, but from different sides of the story. )

[info]spacecowboys in [info]doorslogs

Who: Wren and Luke
What: Congratulations and an alter change (1/2)
Where: Home
When: Recently
Warnings/Rating: None

He tried, but inevitably he would reach a point where his self-control failed him and what patience he did have ran dry. )

[info]rink in [info]doorslogs

Who: Ash Donovan
What: Celebrating his birthday and a switch in the mind.
Where: Neil's place at the Aria
When: Today
Warnings/Rating: Grief

April 22nd. Matthew would have been twenty six years old today. )