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August 29th, 2013

[info]castlealexis in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Alexis Castle, Narrative but if anyone at the inn needs a tag feel free to pop in
What: Aftermath of the attack and Alexis does the one thing she can do, take over the kitchen
When: Post attack on the inn
Warnings: Tame but Alexis is reeling pretty badly

When in doubt make lots of coffee. )

[info]john_ross in [info]zombieslogs

Who: John Ross Ewing (Narrative)
What: The Inn is being attacked
When: last night
Warnings: Nah

Something witty here )

[info]hellobitches in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Alison DiLaurentis Narrative
What: trying to use her ghosty powers to find Reid
When: now
Warnings: Nah

Mun has headache so no music is on. )

[info]asecretkeeper in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Toby (narrative)
What: Trying to find his uncle
When: now
Warnings: nah

Come out come out wherever you are )

[info]gypsymagics in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Destiny & Castiel and later Faith & Alcide
What: Destiny makes a mud blood pie. YUM
When: now
Warnings: Animal sacrifice, blood magic, general ickyness

And here I will spread my wings. Yes I will call this home. What's this you say? You feel a right to remain then stay and I will bury you. )

[info]sometimesgenius in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Connor Temple, Narrative: open to be seen/reacted to if you like
What: Connor arrives in 2013.
When: Tomorrow morning
Where: London 2011, then Everett Wilderness
Warnings: Hope you guys don't mind I went on a bit of a story-telling

And all I could have been, And all I would have been, Was lost in time )

[info]mommyluvsu in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Julia & Josh
What: Emotional distress
When: After this text
Where: The infirmary
Warnings: Angst and such I’d suspect

Ouch I have lost myself again. Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found. Yeah I think that I might break. I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe. ).

[info]dullsthespirit in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Adrian and several NPCs used and abused
What: Adrian's greatest nightmare
Where: The Inn
When: Tonight with some flashbacks of last night
Warnings: Sadness and some violence

Catch me, I am falling and your innocence Is all I have Can you hear me calling In pieces only I can understand I wanted to feel like I could tell you why Thought I could almost see the other side Of something real Something Real It disappears before you see the signs The end is near Breaking and you're climbing And my innocence is all you have I can hear you crying From places only you can understand )

[info]hybridvamp in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Selene and OPEN
What: Watching nothing happen
Where: The wall over the gate
When: Now
Warnings: It's Selene. Anything else TBA

[info]youngestsister in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Viktoria and James
What: worrying about Natasha and the others
When: before the Inn was attacked
Warnings: Cursing maybe

Lean on me, when you're not strong )