X-Men: The Aftermath OOC [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Head's up! [Oct. 10th, 2008|10:43 am]

Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you all know that I may not be around for most of the weekend. Why? Wedding anniversary! (One year.) Technically, it's on the 14th, but since Lawrence is in school, we won't be able to celebrate on the same day. Instead, we're going to have a weekend-long celebration! So, maybe it won't be so bad. :)

Anyway, that's all I have to report - for now.

- Leigh (Phoenix, Mystique, Rogue, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch, Boom Boom, Matrix, hiatused!Flux and Nightshade)

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Activity Check [Oct. 10th, 2008|03:11 am]

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It may seem a bit redundant, but some of our threads our moving at less than break-neck pace, so I wanted to make sure everyone was on board. We're on the verge of a fast forward, so I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to finish up (or get started) anything they wanted to work on.

Please respond to this by the end of the weekend - I know some of you are busy, but that should be plenty of time.

Newest OOC Posts:

Dan to Members
New Community - [info]x_fluff_x
Welcome Lili!


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Some Important Words [Oct. 9th, 2008|10:43 pm]
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I've noticed something increasingly bothersome the past few months that I would like to address. I understand many have time constraints and feel their time should be spent posting IC, however I would like to emphasize that posting in the OOC community is just as important. Becky works very hard developing new features for the game and a lot of the time it goes unrecognized. When her or anyone else for that matter requests input, comments, or suggestions, it's not a formality, it's because they truly want them. When posts in OOC are concerning important aspects of the game, we expect and respect opinion from everyone. I know some may share their opinions through instant messages and/or e-mail, but it's important for the OOC community to be just that, a community. Please be socially proactive when time allows, that's all.


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[Oct. 10th, 2008|05:03 am]
Hi all!

I'm Lili and I bring you Theresa Cassidy/Theresa Rourke (it depends on her mood) a.k.a. Siryn, the short-tempered Irish lass more known for being cheeky and temperamental than being akin to happy fluffy bunnies. I think she's the youngest pup in play and is anxiously awaiting her 18th birthday in November. She wants to have a wild party because all that seriousness in the real world is getting her down. She likes cats, karaoke, and being Irish and hates losing, brussel sprouts, and being called "Red". Her rather long bio can be found here and I am contactable on AIM at want a castle, though I'm going away for the weekend to spend some hard-earned money on things I don't need. I'm in Australia, which puts me at least 14 hours ahead of everyone else here. The future is quite boring and full of kangaroo's, by the way.

Anyways, I don't have a list of wanted scenes yet but Theresa welcomes any and all suggestions - friends/foes/frenemies/lovers past and present/plot/brownies/etc. I'm Theresa is greedy and wants it all. Sooo... yeah... I'm done rambling now! Hopefully I get to meet everyone and start some stuff soon ♥

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Hey true believers. XD [Oct. 9th, 2008|02:09 am]

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I've been updating some stuff around the game (lists, coding, images, layouts) and decided to get ambitious. I made a new community for us to play at. [info]x_fluff_x. Whether you think it's frivolous or not, joining isn't mandatory, so no worries there. I, personally, felt that overloading the main community with fluff and pr0n wasn't the best thing for me to do with my characters (and not just recently, either). So I wanted a guilt-free place to post them goofing off or getting busy, etc. :D It's open to all, so if you feel like doing something pointless and naughty, post it up there. Please, however, don't feel obligated to direct all romantic, humorous, angsty posts toward that community. If you believe there is honest-to-goodness plot in your thread, or immense character development, that thread belongs either at [info]x_aftermath_x or [info]x_flashback_x (respectively). Also, threads posted to the fluff community can absolutely be backdated. Finally, please know that you will not be hounded to move threads around accordingly. This is all for fun. However, I can't protect you if your Logan/Colossus billiards thread covers up someone returning from the dead or something. Hah. :P

Anyway, comments would be great. I'd like to know what everyone thinks - about any of the changes. I can fix things if need be!


P.S. To clear up any confusion, I'd like to answer two could-be questions! Yes, the threads posted to the fluff community are canon. They shouldn't be anything that wouldn't happen on the main community. The community is there for true-to-our-story threads. :)

And to help with the distinction, here are some types of threads...

FLUFF: (please insert the word "plotless" in front of all of these descriptions) BFF threads, kitchen threads (we've all done 'em), sex scenes, family bonding, Danger Room threads, 'I'm bored' threads, etc.

LEGIT: Initializing relationships, storyline advancement, side-switching, deaths, responding to changes in the plot, threads that seem fluffy but will be important later in the storyline, etc.
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[Oct. 6th, 2008|09:25 pm]

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Guess who be out of hiatus. The original sugar monster herself. Yeah, Toad too. He was pretty ticked off that I hiatused his butt. All better now, though.

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[Oct. 5th, 2008|09:00 pm]

I just wanted to offer a hearty, hardy apology for basically bailing a few days after I established ol' Gumbo in the community. Been having some issues with the woman (shoot me) among other things. In any case, midterms are over and I should be able to jump back into the fray with a renewed vigor. As it were, I've updated the wanted scenes list since last I hollered in the OOC journal and have abandoned my old AIM handle for this brand spankin' new one: aux yeux rouges. Please, please, puh-leaze don't hesitate to check out the former and hit me at the latter. Thanks a million for your understanding (or at least your patience).

Ulysse &

p.s. Forgive me if this ain't the correct venue for this kind of message; I didn't know where else to stick it.
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[Oct. 5th, 2008|06:49 pm]

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Hey folks. Here are the most recent journal entries. I keep the list updated here, but posting them this way seems to do okay too. You can see the private entries that have been added by going to the list linked to above. Anyway, feel free to post your own and I'll add them in! Thanks.

public journal entries

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Calling the Brotherhood [Oct. 4th, 2008|05:46 pm]

Hey all, Tabitha and Silver will be chumming in the Main room eating snackie foods and playing video games. AS such the post is OPEN for any and all brotherhood members who might show up. Come one, come all.
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The Brotherhood (or lack thereof). [Oct. 1st, 2008|08:28 pm]

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So, rumors going around about Magneto being killed... He will be.

Where does that leave the 'Brotherhood'? I need some feedback, seriously. If you play a member of the Brotherhood, and the status of your character would be left in limbo by Magneto's death, please comment.

Folks involved...

Mystique: Going rogue / targeted for death by HFC.
Sway: Leaving / X-Men.
Pyro: Left / X-Men.
Rogue: Left / X-Men.
Toad: Unsure.
Sabretooth: Left / HFC.
Damage: Unsure.
Quicksilver: Unsure / targeted for death by HFC.
Scarlet Witch: Unsure / targeted for death by HFC.
Tabitha: Unsure.
Magneto: *ded*
Thorn: Unsure.
Demon: Unsure.
Avalanche: Unsure / vampirism (HFC inductee?).
Blob: Unsure.
Hellion: Unsure / X-Men.

So, that doesn't really leave us with a lot. The question is: should we attempt to keep a Brotherhood going, or let it fall to the wind? I'd prefer to let the pieces fall and see what happens. Cathy plans to drop Mystique and Poison, by the way, and we will be gaining a Quicksilver (and Husk). So we'll see how that pans out.
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Happy October! [Oct. 1st, 2008|06:17 pm]

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Just thought these would be fun to share. I found them over on LJ a few days ago. Mad hunt.


Click for the rest (full size) & cardbacks. )
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Thought you ought to know... [Sep. 30th, 2008|12:17 am]

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Hello, Aftermathers! Shaw checking in. I felt the need to inform you all that I have indeed killed Ra ([info]sun_god) and that the Hellfire Club will be coming for your holes to a city near you. Read all about it here.
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Dudes. [Sep. 29th, 2008|07:46 pm]


I'm not a mod or anything, but can we ax the spacing on our replies? My scrolling finger is starting to hurt. Srsly. I know I sorta put all my text into one or two lumpy paragraphs, but it's hard to read one line or word then two lines, then another word, then three lines. That's all. Thoughts?

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Hellfire Club Inductees [Sep. 29th, 2008|04:26 am]

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Hey lieblings. Luis and Leigh have two pups ready for take off, both aspiring members of the HFC.

[info]infusco is Nightshade (or Mercedes Maclay). Leigh owns her, and Nightshade will own you. What! She is an umbrakine (yay for shadow!babes).
[info]aegistic is Aegis (or Christian Holland). Luis' take on a hellhound for Shaw. Bwahaha. He has an exoskeleton of psionic energy that works like armor.

If anyone else is interested in taking or creating a character for the HFC, please do so! Having a Tessa or Selene around might be interesting. Also, Angel is a member by default (inherited from his father, who may or may not be deceased [he was infected, but at Xavier's under Angel's watch/care]). So he might be interesting to pick up as well. Thanks folks!

The TAKEN PAGE has been updated accordingly, as well as the entry for the HELLFIRE CLUB.

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[Sep. 27th, 2008|06:05 pm]
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Hey Guys,

I was bored the other night so I made some graphics for the game. Feel free to edit them and/or post them on your blogs, myspace, facebook, etc. (Helps promote the game). I would offer the embed codes in a text box but I'm not that code savvy. So, direct links are provided below. Thank ya!


[Banner 1] [Banner 2] [Banner 3]
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[Sep. 26th, 2008|09:08 pm]
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Just wanted to let those of you in the previous danger room thread know that you can post out of turn if you'd like. Luis (Cannonball) feel free to reply to Leigh (Rogue) since she was directly talking to you, it wouldn't make much since for Bobby to chime in yet. Everyone for themselves! =)

-Dan (Iceman)
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Wicked's done. [Sep. 26th, 2008|08:40 pm]
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I forgot to finish filling out Wicked's information. It's now more or less complete and I plan to bring her in soon. If anyone is interested in talking history or dead people, she's the go-to girl.

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News. [Sep. 25th, 2008|07:41 pm]

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EDIT / I've added a few X-Suit icons to the batch we've got going. Aurora, Icarus, Multiple Man and Cannonball are the n00bs this go 'round. Don't feel obligated to use 'em. I just get bored. / END EDIT

-We've gained a character! Forge ([info]forged_) will be played by Rob.
-A character has gone on hiatus. Leigh's character Flux ([info]vanishing) will be down for maintenance for a while.
-We've lost a player (Marisa / [info]decypher), and they have been removed from the lists.
-New characters are on the horizon!

I've compiled a list of most wanted/needed characters, so if anyone is interested in any of these, you should keep them in mind next time you want to pick up a pup. And don't forget about originals, too! Two canons = one OC. Yay.

Angel, Banshee, Husk, Magik, Mirage, Magma, Quicksilver, Siryn and Emma Frost & Cyclops are always up for adoption.

Thanks guys.
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[Sep. 25th, 2008|03:59 pm]
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Just as a friendly heads up, I wanted to let you guys that I'm putting Flux ([info]vanishing) on hiatus. The reason why I'm doing this is because I'm getting ready to rework/revamp this character. It's come to my attention that she needs to have a bit more direction in the game. I'm hoping that by doing this I'll be able to do more with her/people will be more interested in gaming with her.

Who knows, I may not have to change her too much. It may be as simple as coming up with a decent plot for her. Lol. Anyway, if you guys have any questions, concerns, or even suggestions to toss my way, I'm all ears.

- Leigh

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What now?! [Sep. 25th, 2008|10:01 am]

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Hey. Rob in the hizouse, bringing you your favorite scrappy Native. Forge will be joining the X-ranks and Excelsiors. He's also going to be bringing sexy back. So look for that. See moar here: Jonathon Silvercloud.

Anyone wanna plot, er?

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Hey kids. [Sep. 24th, 2008|09:23 pm]

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EDIT I meant to mention this earlier, but I forgot until browsing through all three communities and noticing something. lol I know some of you are new, so there's almost no way you could've noticed this, but can we all tag our entries? You can do so by clicking the TAG button of said entry.

Tags for in-character posts should simply be the codenames of the characters involved, separated by commas (ie: magneto, pyro, mystique).

Once you've added tags, they can be viewed within the entry by all, and are recognized one the communities' tags pages. For OOC posts, there are generic terms to describe your type of post such as 'introductions', 'plot discussion', 'character changes', etc. You can look at the OOC tags list to see which to use pertaining to your OOC post. Most player's names are listed amongst the tags as well, so you can slap your name up there and find all your OOC's later. It's just handy. If your character isn't listed or your name isn't on the OOC tags, you can add them in by finding your most recent post and adding it.

[info]x_ooc_x's tags.
[info]x_aftermath_x's tags.
[info]x_flashback_x's tags.

The reason we use the tags is to help ourselves (as well as new players) keep track of each of our characters and to make it easy to find older posts, etc. Plus, it's just an interesting and handy feature. Each character's posts are linked to on the taken page under 'THREADS' at the top of the last two columns. END EDIT.

Just wanted to let everyone know that any X-Men are welcome to join in on this thread. If you're interested, have your character of choice jump in and someone else (even one of us) can have one of their teammates follow. So, it can be anyone, really. 2 Hellions, 2 Corsairs, 2 Acolytes or 2 Exemplars. There are now three Danger Room scenes happening, and while that's awesome, it'd be great to have some folks be thinkin' about the vampires. I know a lot of you are new, but I want to get reactions and thoughts out of the way so we can get to more interesting interactions. Eh? Heck, even a journal entry would work for most folks (even the vampires themselves).

Thanks guys.

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Howdy. :) [Sep. 23rd, 2008|08:47 am]
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Newbie here, bringing in Aurora.

My name is Meesh! Heya! From the looks of the contact list, I don't believe I've played with a single one of you before, so this should be interesting. :) If you'd like any of my RP history/samples/ect, please check out [info]thetypogoddess. It's all there, in it's tl;dr glory.

As for Aurora, I'm bringing her in canon up to the virus outbreak/cure, when she came to join the X-Men. She's only been with the X-Men a short time, and she's still learning the ropes. With her teaching background, she'd fit right in there, and she also does yoga to attempt to keep her crazy in check, so if anyone wants to join her with that, they're more than welcome.

So! Woo! Excited to start playing. :) Any SL's you want to throw my way, I'm more than willing!

Feel free to shoot me an IM on MeeshRP, or PM/email, if you're more comfortable that way. I'll be making Aurora in IC AIM name soon, so once that's done, I'll update this post and the listy.

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Hey guys. May seem random, but... [Sep. 22nd, 2008|10:06 pm]

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Lemme know you're still around by Friday, please? Thanks guys.

Again, feel free to post reactions in journals or the main community to the vampireishness of things. Or you know, actual vampires. That'd be cool too. :D

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[Sep. 20th, 2008|11:53 pm]

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Hey everyone. I'm Dex and this is Jay aka Icarus. He's one of my favorite characters to play and so I am pretty stoked to be here.

I just wanted to say a quick "hi", being new and all. For plotting, threading, talking and the like, catch me on AIM at talk to dex.
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Attention Hellfire Club hopefuls! [Sep. 18th, 2008|12:24 pm]

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We're still accepting applications. Savvy?

Click for details. )

-Beck (and Dan and Sebastian Shaw XD)

P.S. Feel free to post your vampire characters being up and about after their recovery periods in the infirmary. Rob and I wrote up Logan/Storm on October 11th, and there's a Beast post for the 10th. They should set the pace. There are several things beside the physical changes the vampires might experience, and your characters could maximize one or several. Aggression, enhanced sex drive, paranoia, apathy, anti-social tendencies... Choose your weapon.
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Why Mars Is "Teh Devil": A List, By Rob [Sep. 18th, 2008|05:00 am]

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Mars is Teh Devil because... )
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[Sep. 16th, 2008|02:57 pm]
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Just wanted to inform everyone of some minor changes to my OC Recon ([info]reconstruct_you). After some discussion and input from others, I will be changing the PB to Gale Harold. His characteristics fit the mold a little better, however I did make him a couple of years older. Nothing about past character interactions have changed, it's all the same - just a different face.

Another tidbit of information; I will hopefully begin playing Hellion soon ([info]hell_bent). The "Extra" at the bottom of his profile explains why I haven't got him going yet. If you haven't read that information, please do so as I don't want anyone being confused about his affiliation. I've caught wind about the future of the Brotherhood so I look to be posting him soon.

That's it.

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Who Does What [Sep. 15th, 2008|11:12 am]

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Bonjour, les vrais croyants! )
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[Sep. 14th, 2008|09:50 pm]
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Children of the Aftermath. Yo. Ulysse in the limelight with your latest Ragin' Cajun. This incarnation is about a decade younger, a metric ton snarkier and a shade darker than his canon counterpart(s) and I hope to weave his largely unwritten story into the game's intrigue. Admittedly, I have no idea how I plan to do so 'cause it's hard as hell to designate a niche in the social fabric of an RPG for a character who's inherently a loner, so I would very much appreciate scene suggestions or any form of nudge in the proper direction. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you sense any plotstorms on the horizon -- hit me up via asplosions@gmail.com or by means of Y!M through explosions@rocketmail.com. It's been a long time since I partook of a role-play set in the x-verse and I ain't never partaken of one with as clever a back story or as tight-knit a community as this one seems to have, so as they say, laissez les bon temps rouler.


Ulysse &
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The Hellfire Club [Sep. 14th, 2008|07:49 am]

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Under Construction )
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Mission Thread [Sep. 11th, 2008|12:21 pm]

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Does anyone oppose ending it now, or would you like to post your character's reactions? Feel free to do the later. I just wanted some feedback on whether or not we should carry on with the rest of the details or if we should move the plot along to the following days/weeks. Thanks folks for posting like mad yesterday!

The thread in question.


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So.... [Sep. 11th, 2008|11:07 am]
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I recently updated my "wanted scenes" list for each of my characters. I think there's at least 50+ ideas/suggestions to choose from now; so if you wanted to play with me and were stuck on what to play (and who to play with), you should definitely check it out! Right now, I'm really interested in playing Scarlet Witch (my most underused character) and Matrix, but any of my pups will do - except Psylocke, since she has reached her quota thread-wise. Lol. For now. Phoenix and Scarlet Witch have now reached their thread quota.

Anywhere, here's a list of who is available and who isn't available for a thread right now:

Boom Boom (1/2)
Flux (1/2)
Matrix (1/2)
Phoenix (2/2)
Psylocke (0/2)
Rogue (1/2)
Scarlet Witch (1/2>)

As you can see, most of my pups are free to socialize with. So, if you like one of my ideas/suggestions (or have one of your own), feel free to contact me... or just start the thread and let me know! :)

- Leigh

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OOC Feedback Dump [Sep. 10th, 2008|01:15 pm]

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Mmmm, what ya say... )
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Attention Mission-Goers [Sep. 10th, 2008|01:33 am]

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Okay. I need everyone involved to please post their characters ASAP in the Cure Mission Thread. Even if you're out of turn, please post their responses and progressive actions to ensure things move along. The Darkseekers are NPCs. Feel free to use them as you'd like, so long as whoever is supposed to get bitten does. We can't keep posting in turn the way that would normally happen, because everyone's schedules are so chaotic. Please post there when you have any chance at all. Since I play both Scott and Storm and they've both been posted twice, I wanted to give everyone a chance to get their responses in before progressing things.

I was really hoping this thread would be finished, or at least at it's climax now. There are so many more interesting things that could be happening and I really believe we need to actually write this mission out. We started mid-way, guys. We can write this out. If you have any questions or concerns, reply here. Poppy, you e-mailed about posting Kitty - go for it. Whenever you'd like. If there aren't any more posts than there currently are, have her reply anyway.

If anyone is confused or has forgotten what was to happen, check the Mission Outline again. It's been nearly 2 weeks since that thread was posted, folks. I wanna get things moving with the new plot. Please and thank you!

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[Sep. 8th, 2008|05:45 pm]

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Hey guys, my name is Luis and this here ... is Cannonball! Just wanted to introduce myself to all of you. I am up for anything with Sam (ah reckon'), so hit me up at externaliy on AIM if you want to talk, plot, talk about cats. Just about anything, really. ;D Anyways, I am excited to get to RP with all of you!
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JOURNALS, BLOGS, ETC. [Sep. 5th, 2008|09:40 am]

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Hello! There have been some journal entries added to the list recently, so I thought I'd point them out for your convenience. You can write up some of your own and I'll spot them asap, or you can comment HERE and let me know you've written one. That list is always updated, as well, so you can find others' new entries whenever you'd like. Also, clicking your 'friends' button on any of your journals or on the main community will show you all of the most recent posts in all the members journals. :D See here: x_aftermath_x's friends.

public journal entries
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|09:11 pm]

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Going to summarize the Supply Run thread. (Which included Flux, Shadowcat, Levity and Scoot.)

The group prepares to relay the bags to the vehicle, but get cornered in the front of the store near the exit. They're in a line, up against the wall. As trained, Shadowcat grasps the hands of Levity and Flux, and mutters to Scoot to make a distraction. Scoot takes off, while Levity uses her mutation to calm and slow the creatures as they react to the noise that Scoot makes across the store. Scoot makes it outside. Meanwhile, Flux has concentrated on the other two women she's with, and the light bends around all three, rendering them invisible. Now, unable to be touched or seen, the three make their way quietly toward the exit. Once in the sunlight, they draw back on their mutations and join Scoot in the Hummer. After regrouping, they decide that they can get the bags from inside the store. With Levity outside the doors, and Scoot in the driver's seat of the Hummer, Shadowcat and Flux work silently, hand-in-hand, to retrieve the bags from the front counter while Levity keeps the Darkseekers distracted and confused. Once all has been loaded, they take off for the return to the school.
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|10:33 am]

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As mentioned before, I'm picking up Dazzler. Back when she was in the public eye, she was a mixture of Amy Lee and Pink. Canonly, Colossus, Shadowcat, Jubilee and Juggernaut have been named amongst her fans, but I'm not sure how any of them would feel about this Dazzler's style for music. It's a sort of urban-goth-soul-punk situation. She's really outgoing and cynical, but she tries not to be too much of a downer. If anyone would be interested in hanging out with Alison (check out the profile if you're not sure!), lemme know.

-Beck (and Dazzler!)

P.S. A Rare Dazzler Cover (she writes her own crap, folks).
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[Sep. 2nd, 2008|03:37 am]

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Do stuff.

Oh, and an FYI: Just a reminder.

Darkseekers = homo sapiens cannibals. (Exposed to mutated Mutant Cure [virus])
Vampires = homo superiors bloodsuckers. (Back-exposed, from mouth-to-flesh contact to a de-evolved Cure Virus)

And this was IMed to me from Jordan. Thought I'd share it with you all. Batman Interrogates The Joker.
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Good day everyone. [Aug. 31st, 2008|09:48 am]

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I am Sebastian Shaw. You may call me 'your Majesty'. For the record, I like long walks on the beach and offing homo sapiens. I will soon be overtaking your role playing experience, so I thought it only fair to let you know, at least.

I am a vampire and I like it that way. My Hellfire Club is being rebuilt as you read this (you can read, yes?) and together we will overtake this ragtag, rubbish-filled excuse for a planet and refine the status of life for our kind. Mutants, of course. If you'd care to join me, I'm accepting applications for extremely powerful, obedient mutants who are also vampires. Qualify?

Probably not.

The Black King

P.S. Mudbloods need not apply.
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