X-Men: The Aftermath OOC [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Finally done. [Jan. 17th, 2009|03:32 am]
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Hey. Becky and I are finally finished with our massive Will/Troy backdate. Log. Thing. We had to split it into two parts. Here they are: Part 1, Part 2. They span eight years, and there are about 7 or 8 pages for each entry. (Four scenes a piece, eight posts in each scene.) So if you're really bored, feel free to check 'em out.

-Rob (and Beck)
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Warpath is here. [Nov. 14th, 2008|06:36 pm]

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Hey guys, this is Rob. I'm bringing in Warpath to enhance the Native club. Anyone up for plottin'?

Rundown: He's big, he's angry, he's nomadic. And he's here to hang with you!

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I uh, updated my thingy. [Nov. 8th, 2008|09:15 am]

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My wanted scenes are all updated, so check it. Don't be afraid to comment. :D


P.S. Beck said to look at hers, "I made it all pretty!" ... "...'kay." Her wanted scenes list.
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[Nov. 4th, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Before these characters get posted, I wanted to mention that some changes have been made...

A) Iceman and Mystique are now up for grabs. (As well as Pyro, Angel, Juggernaut, Psylocke, Multiple Man, Meltdown, etc, etc.) Leigh has decided to drop Rogue and Mystique, as well as two of her originals; Matrix and Nightshade. I'm gonna snag Rogue, and hopefully we can shuffle around or get some new folks to pick up our X-Men. We need 5+ film canons now. Oi!

B) Polaris might be better off in the Hellfire Club - any thoughts? Twins, did you still wanna leave? Then Mystique could run the show her own way. Ideas?

C) In their character summaries, Mars and Zap were supposedly living at Xavier's and doing their old jobs. We've decided that they are still infected with the Upir Virus (their choice) and are living off the synthetic blood. They are living in a home of their own nearby and visit the mansion near-daily. A little independence goes a long way.

I added the following information to rule #8 on the rules page.
ADDED 11/04/08 Thread limit! Please involve each of your characters at any given time in only two threads. This will help to keep overexposure down and will allow all characters equal time in the spotlight. Logs, journal entries, etc do not fall under this rule - only open, on-going threads. But try to spread your attention evenly over all of your characters.


A word from Rob: So, I was thinking a bit on the state of the world after our fast forward. What I would like to see is something kind of the fandoms of Firefly, Star Trek and Star Wars, in that the further you get from civilization (for our purposes, the cities and towns) the more likely it is that there is lawlessness - wilderness - uncertainty. There would be a feeling of unexplored territory, sort of like a semi-Old West. There are still rebel mutants, humans, vampires and Darkseekers in the nooks and crannies of the world, so people would stay closer to cities and try to keep in groups. If anyone has any input (eh?) or questions/comments, leave 'em. :D


P.S. obamarama!
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Fast Forward Time! [Oct. 27th, 2008|07:19 pm]

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Recommencing Date: Sunday, January 3rd, 2010
IC Interactions Begin: Friday, October 31st, 2008 (by or before!)

We would like everyone to post a paragraph (5-10 sentences only please) on what their characters have been up to during the year and three months that will have passed in the game from October 2008 to January 2010. Dan and I thought it would be better to give everyone til Friday to post a comment here with their character summaries. I know some folks will need more time to think than others. However, the sooner the better, eh? Once everyone has posted their responses, we can start back in with the in character posts. Yay.

We will be posting another OOC explaining what the HFC and other NPCs are up to in the empty period of time.

Beck's Characters )

Rob's Characters )

Dan's Characters )

Jordan's Characters )

( Mary's Characters )

( Poppy's Characters )

( Meesh's Characters )

( Leigh's Characters )

( Luis' Characters )

( Dex's Characters )
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Dudes. [Sep. 29th, 2008|07:46 pm]


I'm not a mod or anything, but can we ax the spacing on our replies? My scrolling finger is starting to hurt. Srsly. I know I sorta put all my text into one or two lumpy paragraphs, but it's hard to read one line or word then two lines, then another word, then three lines. That's all. Thoughts?

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What now?! [Sep. 25th, 2008|10:01 am]

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Hey. Rob in the hizouse, bringing you your favorite scrappy Native. Forge will be joining the X-ranks and Excelsiors. He's also going to be bringing sexy back. So look for that. See moar here: Jonathon Silvercloud.

Anyone wanna plot, er?

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Why Mars Is "Teh Devil": A List, By Rob [Sep. 18th, 2008|05:00 am]

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Mars is Teh Devil because... )
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The Injun Association [Aug. 9th, 2008|01:19 am]

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[Current Mood | nerdy]

So I was really bored. Credit to Rob for his contributions.

The Natives of the X-Men discuss ... things. )
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[Aug. 7th, 2008|07:42 pm]


Any takers? http://asylums.insanejournal.com/x_flashback_x/13374.html

Could be Brotherhood or unaffiliated or, well, anyone really. If no one's interested in busting in, we'll finish it out, but it's open if someone's interested in reformed!Sabretooth and Sway.

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So. I'm still alive. [May. 23rd, 2008|02:46 pm]

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Rob is too. I'm not sure about Jordan, but I know Dan's switching things around with his medication so he's not feeling 100% lately.

I've had some medical issues lately and yesterday evening I found out my grandmother had passed away. So, as you can imagine, I'd really like to escape reality asap. I'm really under the weather at the moment, and I'll have a memorial to attend within the next week - and the holiday weekend to deal with, but by god, I want to play.

I fixed up the journals so they were stark white and I'll be replying to posts once I stop feeling so nauseated.

Miss you guys,

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Hey! Just wanted to give an update. [May. 4th, 2008|11:50 am]

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Hey folks. I miss you guys so much. >_<

Anyhow, Rob and I are moved and settling in, but we won't have the internet hooked up at the apartment until Tuesday, by 5pm at the latest. First, the phone company said 'Monday, 8am-5pm'. Thanks for narrowing it down for us, jerks. Then, they switched it to Tuesday, same hours. Apparently they over-booked. So we nagged and they're going to waive the installation fee, whoot. +$25 for us.

So I'm excited to get going again, as is Rob.

I know there's been some minor posting here and there and I'm glad for that.

What do you all think about doing a fast-forward to the end of May or the beginning of June for the game?

Just a thought. I don't want things to get stale.

Thanks for the patience folks,

-Beck (and Rob)
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[Apr. 27th, 2008|10:18 pm]

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Rob and I have been swamped to death the last few days and it's killing me not to be able to reply to the posts that are up and to put up new ones. We found a place that's up for rent this morning and have been trying to pack some junk up today, and we'll find out if we get it by tomorrow morning, so there will either be a few more days of packing and trip-making or we'll be open for business. Heads up either way. :) Thanks guys. :D

-Beck (and Rob)
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Hey guys! [Apr. 24th, 2008|10:07 pm]

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Just wanted to update you all on what's been going on.

Rob and I finally got our internet issue squared away, so that's cool. Unfortunately, Rob's on a 6-day stretch at work, with 9 hours a shift each night, and we've been helping my dad with his scrap metal business on during the day when we're not asleep, but Monday and Tuesday are his off days, so we'll want to relax and stare at the computer, lol. Hopefully he can get some replies in before then. Time just keeps running out before we can sit down and think. I know I'll be replying, I have all night, after all.

Dan is at his brother's wedding out of state and won't return until Sunday, so he probably won't be ready to post until Monday, either.

I'm not sure about Jordan, but things have gotten crazy with her at work (vet clinic) and there was a local puppy mill that got raided and her employer has been trying to send as much help as possible to take care of the dogs and puppies, so things are nuts there.

I know Leigh's been visiting with family, so she's been busy, and there are always tests and finals and spring cleaning and other junk that I know we're all dealing with here and there. So, hopefully after this week things can pick back up. But I just wanted to explain what's going on, activity-wise.

Also, I'm sorry to say we've lost Nicole and Frank (Jubilee and Quicksilver) due to lack of contact after non-activity. I tried to reach them both. Alas, no go.

So, if anyone is interested in either of those pups or knows someone who is, bring 'em on down! And if Nicole and Frank pop back in and they're still open, well, all the better.

Thanks guys,

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merry christmas, bitches! [Apr. 5th, 2008|09:47 am]


I bring the gift of Logan. It's me. Rob. I threw Scott in the dumpster. We needed a Wolverine so bad, and I couldn't play both. So. He'll be around. Look out.

I mean it.



...For real.
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n00bs! [Apr. 2nd, 2008|06:23 am]

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Damage ([info]d_a_m_a_g_e) & Sway ([info]s_w_a_y)

Please check out their journals for profile entries. :) Damage is Rob's new OC pup and Sway is mine (Beck's). They tight.

Feel free to comment with questions, comments or concerns.


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Numbers [Mar. 14th, 2008|04:50 pm]

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So, we did a little math and came up with the guesstimate that around 430 have been killed or mortally wounded. If there are around 600 of them, we've taken out the majority. I'd say the Darkseekers that are left are all surrounding the broken section of wall trying to get in, or are already inside it. If you wanted to kill some people, do it soon! >:)

-Beck (and Rob, her math guy)
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Think outside the bun. [Feb. 11th, 2008|08:19 pm]

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Dudes. It's so Troy. Troy on YouTube.
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MIA [Jan. 18th, 2008|02:02 pm]

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Hey you guys - sorry about the absence. We had some personal stuff ('we' being Rob and I) going on involving government agencies and family issues, so. You know. My sister is trying to get on disability (she was born with spina bifida) and we've been trying to be around for her. And I lost Rob's W2s (from one of his two simultaneous jobs last year, lol)... and my dad is driving us up a wall so we went to a hotel last night in a whirlwind of, well, pissiness - and unfortunately we don't have a laptop. So, in short, things came up. I'm not sure where Jordan is. She lives a few miles away and we haven't spoken in a few days. So, I'll see if I can get a hold of her tonight. Sorry we kept the threads stopped up. >_<

-Bec (and Rob)

EDIT: I did get a hold of Jorge. I was on the way to her house and got hit with a $95 speeding ticket - yay rural back-road cops! So, hah, while I got nailed for doing 60 in a 30 (apparently?) I can confirm that she's alive and ready to hop back in.

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[Jan. 5th, 2008|05:29 pm]
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We watched this episode of Family Guy and laughed for ten minutes when they used Bobby in a bit - it happened to be online. So, check it out.
ICEMAN ON YOUTUBE: "Oh, walk away."
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! [Jan. 1st, 2008|04:13 pm]

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Hello members. ^_^ Hope your new year's eve was happy and safe. We plan to start the IC posts asap, but we're headed out and we had a late start this morning, so look for an opener tonight. However! Feel free to backdate some threads and do some character development - the flashback community is your canvas. Again, hope all is well and have a good holiday.

-Bec (and Rob)
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